I would like to welcome you to Romiley Primary School, I hope you find the website gives you a flavour of the wonderful school and community we have here at Romiley. I am very proud to be the Headteacher of such a fantastic school, every day I see our children showing how they are true examples of our school values by being resilient, positive and supportive.
The staff, parents and governors all play a key role in school, ensuring that by working together we provide a happy, safe environment where children can grow and thrive. Usually, I would be inviting you to come and view the school for yourself, but unfortunately, in these uncertain times we are currently not able to do so.
The staff, parents and governors all play a key role in school, ensuring that by working together we provide a happy, safe environment where children can grow and thrive. Usually, I would be inviting you to come and view the school for yourself, but unfortunately, in these uncertain times we are currently not able to do so.
Romiley Primary School is a two form entry School of approximately 420 pupils with a Nursery class that takes 20 pupils in the morning and 20 in the afternoon. Our aim is to ensure that Romiley Primary is a place where every child feels safe and happy and thus ready to learn and achieve. We strive to set high standards of work and discipline in an environment that is positive, encouraging and respectful.
At Romiley Primary School we aim to foster the development of the whole child preparing them to take a full and active place in society. We will offer equally to all children a secure, happy, stimulating environment which is organised, disciplined and where respect is shown one to another within the school and the local community.
As a Governing Body, our purpose is to work in partnership with the school leadership team to manage the school. We take great pride in our school and share an authentic desire to achieve the best for all in our school community; children, their families and our staff. The full Governing Body meets at least once every term and staff, parents and carers and interested members of the public are welcome to attend.
The Friends of Primary School (aka FRPS) are a registered Charity led by a dedicated team of volunteers who work all year round to support the School Community.
Whilst we have a core Committee who are responsible for the day to day running of the Charity, including the planning and organisation of our events, we are very lucky to have such a strong support network of parents, grandparent, friends, staff and local businesses who are always on hand to help where and when needed.
Whilst we have a core Committee who are responsible for the day to day running of the Charity, including the planning and organisation of our events, we are very lucky to have such a strong support network of parents, grandparent, friends, staff and local businesses who are always on hand to help where and when needed.
PAN Info - We take 40 children in our Nursery (20 in the morning session and 20 in the afternoon) + 60 pupils per year group Reception to Year 6. = 420 pupils + 40 Nursery. If your child is due to start nursery in the next school year, you must apply for a nursery place. You have to apply by using the online facility provided by Stockport Council.
Reviews (1)
Sandra Rayner
Jul 29, 2017