As a Church of England School we embrace the Diocesan vision and want to ensure our children enjoy life in all its fullness providing experiences rooted in faith, love and hope. I am extremely proud to lead a team that is so hard working and committed to all the children at St Oswald's; nurturing every child to reach their full potential within a calm caring environment.
It is my belief that we should provide a learning environment in which parents, staff, Governors and the Friends of St Oswald's work in partnership to improve outcomes for all our children. Together we can support our children to develop skills to become independent lifelong learners and responsible citizens, who are respectful, resilient and compassionate.
It is my belief that we should provide a learning environment in which parents, staff, Governors and the Friends of St Oswald's work in partnership to improve outcomes for all our children. Together we can support our children to develop skills to become independent lifelong learners and responsible citizens, who are respectful, resilient and compassionate.
History is taught through the themed Cornerstones Curriculum. Children learn about significant people, events and places from both the recent and more distant past. They look at a range of sources of information to help them investigate the past in depth. A range of trips, visits and visitors are arranged to provide experiential and engaging learning opportunities.
Our aims are to provide a safe learning environment for both pupils and staff; to ensure that every child reaches their true potential but being inspired and motivated to learn; to ensure that Christian values of 'friendship, forgiveness, hope, respect, honesty and perseverance' are followed and to foster the fact that every child matters within the learning community and the wider community.
The Governing Board's Strategy clearly explains the Governors work and roles they have within the school. Our School Improvement Plan is detailed in the following document and outlines our strategic priorities. Vee Monro is Co-opted Governor and The Vice Chair of the Governing Board as well as a member of the Resources for Learning Committee.
This half term our topic is Superheroes. We will be learning lots about fictional superheroes and real life superheroes in the local community. PE is taught on Tuesday and Thursday, please send your child to school dressed in their PE kit on these days. We hear children read individually twice a week and we change books on Mondays and Fridays.
Mrs Jones will be teaching Year 5 Mondays and Tuesdays all day, and Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Homework: Your child will receive a piece of Maths and English homework each week in their CGP booklets (set on a Thursday). Homework should be returned to school by the following WEDNESDAY so that we can mark it and return to your child on Thursday.
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