Our children are confident and enthusiastic learners who participate in a wide range of after school clubs. We enjoy sport and take part in many competitions and events throughout the year. We are very proud of our good reputation within our local community of Heeley and beyond. Our school vision statement, developed by children, staff and parents encapsulates our ethos here at Anns Grove.
When allocated a place by the Primary Admissions Team, parents are invited to visit school with their child before they start school. At Anns Grove, our Learning Mentor Wendy Roberts manages admissions into infants and juniors. Sarah Webb, Assistant Head teacher, manages admissions into Nursery (Early Years Foundation Stage 1) and Reception (Early Years Foundation Stage 2).
The DfE has reinforced their guidance given to schools to 'actively' promote the fundamental British Values of Democracy; The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, through their provision of the SMSC curriculum. At Anns Grove, we take our responsibility very seriously to prepare children for life in modern Britain.
Our curriculum is ambitious for all pupils and designed to promote the development of the whole child and equip children with core skills so that they become fluent and enthusiastic readers and mathematicians from an early age. Curriculum leaders have coherently planned and sequenced the curriculum to match the learning needs of all pupils at Anns Grove.
At Anns Grove, online safety is a key driver within PSHE lessons. We have adopted the Sheffield Online Safety Curriculum scheme of work to cover the online safety curriculum. Within each year group, the units of work cover several of these core themes over the course of an academic year. We recently had a visit from Sue Finnegan (eLearning Consultant) from Sheffield City Council.
Our Governors are a group of volunteers which include Parents, Staff and Members of the local community. Their main role is to promote ongoing improvements in standards throughout the school. On behalf of the governors of Anns Grove Primary, it is a pleasure to welcome you to the school. We are proud of our children, our dedicated staff and the community we serve.
Reviews (1)
Dec 23, 2016