We hope you can find all the information you need about our school. At Malin Bridge we aim to ensure that every child has the best possible education so that they have the skills, knowledge, qualities and values that they will need to reach their full potential in life. Our curriculum is built around developing the children's core values; we aim for all children at Malin Bridge to enquire about the world, celebrate diversity and be aspirational.
Everyone at Malin Bridge works collaboratively to ensure that all children are given every opportunity to enjoy learning, to thrive in a happy, stimulating, vibrant community school. Our website aims to provide parents, carers and families at Malin Bridge with up to date news and information, and a regular snapshots of children's exciting learning experiences.
Everyone at Malin Bridge works collaboratively to ensure that all children are given every opportunity to enjoy learning, to thrive in a happy, stimulating, vibrant community school. Our website aims to provide parents, carers and families at Malin Bridge with up to date news and information, and a regular snapshots of children's exciting learning experiences.
Malin Bridge Nursery is a Community Nursery School. The nursery is split across two buildings; The Nursery is for children around 2-3 years of age, and The Bridge is for children around 3-4 years old. Our capacity per session is 30 for The Bridge and 20 for The Nursery. Places in The Nursery and The Bridge are allocated from our waiting lists in the Spring and Summer Terms preceding the September intake.
At Malin Bridge Primary, we have built our curriculum and everything we do around our values and vision which are shown below. We also have school standards which aim to provide clarity for all members of our school community on how they can ensure that Malin Bridge is the best school it can possibly be.
Often, because our admission number is 75 children per year, we can accommodate all of the children who would like to come to Malin Bridge. Where the Admissions Authority receives more applications than there are places at a school, however, it has a criteria for prioritising the applications to determine which applicants will be eligible for a school place.
Malin Bridge Primary wants all children to get the best start to their education and developing great behaviours for later life. Being punctual is one of those behaviours. Being punctual allows children to make a good and settled start to the day, so they can engage in and enjoy their learning.
We meet every half term with Mr Edwardes, the school's Education Welfare Officer, to discuss pupils who are being brought to school late on a regular basis.We will be instigating a new Punctuality procedure in school this year of which you can find more details of in the school's Attendance Policy.
We meet every half term with Mr Edwardes, the school's Education Welfare Officer, to discuss pupils who are being brought to school late on a regular basis.We will be instigating a new Punctuality procedure in school this year of which you can find more details of in the school's Attendance Policy.
We have childcare options available for both before and after school at Early Birds (breakfast club) and Treehouse (after school club). Breakfast Club (Early Birds) is open to all children aged 2-11 that attend Malin Bridge Nursery & Primary School, there is a flat fee of 5.75 per session that includes a drink and food from the school kitchen.
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