Due to the current restrictions on physical classes, we're working hard to help our loyal clients and friends to keep up with their practice from home, to stay fit and connected with our community. We are running our full schedule of classes online at the regular times with your Teachers and adding some extra classes too!
Go to Zoom Classes for more information on how to book and join classes. We've also added our Class Video subscription service energyflowfitness.tv to provide us with new ways to keep up our practice at home. Our teachers are providing new videos each week to keep us all busy! New guest teachers have also joined us.
Go to Zoom Classes for more information on how to book and join classes. We've also added our Class Video subscription service energyflowfitness.tv to provide us with new ways to keep up our practice at home. Our teachers are providing new videos each week to keep us all busy! New guest teachers have also joined us.
We were so proud when we opened the first pilates equipment studio, not only in Chorlton, but the only Pilates Studio in Manchester back in 2009. Although Pilates started to really take off in the UK around 15 years ago, the traditional Pilates studio complete with its unique Pilates equipment has taken much longer to make an impact in the North of England.
Our Pilates Studio is now open for in person sessions, you can also still enjoy a virtual studio appointment with our teachers. You can book as normal, the sessions are run online using Zoom, once you book we will send you the link to join your session. You can find out how to join an online appointment using Zoom by visiting our Online Booking and Joining page.
We're also offering energyflowfitness.tv, a video subscription service which gives access to regularly updated class videos and specially recorded workouts for use at a time that suits you! Our classes are very relaxed so no fancy fitness gear required just comfortable clothing, but no hoodies please as we need to see your shoulders are relaxed when you lie down!
Details of how to book Classes (Group Classes) and Studio Appointments (Private Classes) can be found on our bookings page. We will then email you an invite to join the class just before the start time, so be ready with your zoom open! All of our online Classes and Studio Appointments are run using Zoom.
Pilates is an effective exercise program for everyone. It realigns the body and retrains the back, stomach and pelvic floor muscles to work in harmony to create a strong core. All this improves posture, lengthening and toning muscles throughout the body, creating a fabulous silhouette in men and women.
Reviews (1)
Rani Prasad
Sep 04, 2017