Once you understand the Pilates philosophies, I personally guarantee that you will carry yourself differently for the rest of your life. You will see and feel the difference, developing a flatter stomach, improved posture and looser, more flexible joints. The perfect exercise for a 21st-century lifestyle, Pilates works as an antidote to days spent hunched over a tablet or smartphone, driving in rush-hour traffic and carrying heavy bags.
One of the world's foremost experts on Pilates, Alan set up the UK's first-ever Pilates studio after working in New York with instructors who'd been trained by Joseph Pilates himself. Alan is in demand as a lecturer worldwide, and is the author of several books on Pilates.
One of the world's foremost experts on Pilates, Alan set up the UK's first-ever Pilates studio after working in New York with instructors who'd been trained by Joseph Pilates himself. Alan is in demand as a lecturer worldwide, and is the author of several books on Pilates.
Individually taught sessions where the instructor works with up to four people at a time. Each client will be given a personalised set of exercises and will be guided through their session by the instructor. These sessions can only be booked during normal studio opening hours (see above). Pilates is usually good for pre and post Natal, and after the first trimester you could start to attend our Pilates classes.
You are taught to align your body perfectly before starting an exercise, and then to focus on individual muscle groups and work them without putting strain on other areas. If you are used to the pumping rhythm of an aerobics class or the ache in your muscles after lifting weights, you will be astonished by the gentleness of Pilates.
Alan Herdman studied at the London School of Contemporary Dance and was working as a teacher and dancer when, in the late 1960s, he was invited to New York to learn about the Joseph Pilates Method. There he worked intensively with Carola Trier and Bob Fitzgerald, two instructors who had been trained by Pilates himself.
Please check our home page for up to date information about classes and booking under social distancing measures. Individually taught sessions where the instructor works with up to four people at a time. Each client will be given a personalised set of exercises and will be guided through their session by the instructor.
Reviews (1)
Mirea Sharifi
Feb 11, 2015