Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School is amongst the top 3% of schools in the country. We are part of a wonderful community which includes our local Parish Church with whom we share our school site. We welcome children and families from all faiths and backgrounds. Although we are situated in a busy, expanding town, the extensive school grounds mean that we have lots of space to play and learn - both indoors and outdoors!.
We are a welcoming and happy community and our door is always open to those who want to come and visit us.
We are a welcoming and happy community and our door is always open to those who want to come and visit us.
Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School is a learning community based on Gospel values. We aim to develop our pupils by encouraging their growth as spiritual and moral individuals who have the confidence to make the best choices. We nurture our children as they grow into responsible members of our community and to develop a lifelong love of learning.
We explain how to stay safe and behave appropriately online. Any online safety incidents are reported and logged according to the school's Online Safety Policy. We can only be successful in keeping children safe online by working with parents to provide a consistent message. It is important that parents feel comfortable explaining how to stay safe online to their children.
Please find information below regarding Universal Infant Free School Meals and Free School Meals (Pupil Premium). We hope this will explain the different options in better detail for you. As Key Stage 1 children are entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals anyway, we are afraid some are not applying for the Pupil Premium Free School Meals who may be entitled.
It makes the process of dealing with referrals quicker and more effective by improving the way county council: Children's social care. Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS), Youth Offending Service (YOS) and education, work alongside other partner agency colleagues including Northamptonshire police, Northamptonshire health partners, National Probation Service, and the East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) to share information.
At Our Lady of Walsingham school we strive to support children's academic, social and personal development. Children's wellbeing is monitored on a regular basis and this is tracked each term using our Wellbeing tracking system. There are a range of both universal and targeted interventions that members of staff across the school are trained to deliver to identified children.