Our vision is for all Grundisburgh children to become well rounded, independent, life-long learners, who will become citizens of the future, contributing positively to society. At Grundisburgh Primary School we believe that every child must be provided with opportunities to develop socially, emotionally, academically and physically to achieve the highest possible standards.
We are an inclusive learning community that is committed to ensuring that all of the children in our care are happy, enthusiastic and purposeful learners. Confident: We aim to develop our children's self-esteem and promote a happy, healthy lifestyle. Through nurturing children will feel safe and secure with the confidence to achieve their full potential.
We are an inclusive learning community that is committed to ensuring that all of the children in our care are happy, enthusiastic and purposeful learners. Confident: We aim to develop our children's self-esteem and promote a happy, healthy lifestyle. Through nurturing children will feel safe and secure with the confidence to achieve their full potential.
Admission to full-time education at Grundisburgh Primary School is initially made through Suffolk County Council. In order to be considered for a place at Grundisburgh Primary School for a September start, you will need to submit an application by the date set by Suffolk County Council, which is usually within the first two weeks of January.
In exceptional circumstances, such as severe weather, heating or power failure, it may be necessary to close the school. Closing a school, especially due to bad weather, is always a difficult decision due to changeability of conditions.
At Grundisburgh Primary School, we follow the advice from the Local Authority that has been issued to all schools and any decision to close is based on the safety of the school site, ability to provide a warm environment and sufficient staffing, transport arrangements and the day's weather forecast.The school may close for the whole day or open later and/or close earlier.
At Grundisburgh Primary School, we follow the advice from the Local Authority that has been issued to all schools and any decision to close is based on the safety of the school site, ability to provide a warm environment and sufficient staffing, transport arrangements and the day's weather forecast.The school may close for the whole day or open later and/or close earlier.
Our catering provider is Caterlink who will be helping us with our drive to improve school dinners whilst working towards our Gold 'Food for Life' Award. School dinners are 2.30 per day for children. Visit the 'Caterlink' website to find out the nutritional information and allergen information for these meals or ask the school office for a copy of the menu.
School governors are members of their school's governing body, which is known as a 'corporate body'. A corporate body has a legal identity that is separate from its members and as a result, individual governors are generally protected from personal liability as a result of the governing body's decisions and actions provided they act honestly, reasonably and in good faith.
A score of 0 means pupils in this school on average do about as well at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally. A positive score means pupils in this school on average do better at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally. A negative score means pupils in this school on average do worse at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.