Welcome and thank you for showing an interest in learning at Claydon Primary School. This is a very special school with a strong sense of community in which each pupil is a valued and respected member. The staff, parents and governors of the school have a full commitment to education and the importance it plays in developing the whole child.
We welcome all pupils regardless of ability, race and culture and hope that they will become enthusiastic learners, happy, confident and secure. We endeavour that our pupils gain skills to be independent in their learning and achieve their very best. We hope that the education we provide will give a foundation for lifelong learning - in school, at home and beyond.
We welcome all pupils regardless of ability, race and culture and hope that they will become enthusiastic learners, happy, confident and secure. We endeavour that our pupils gain skills to be independent in their learning and achieve their very best. We hope that the education we provide will give a foundation for lifelong learning - in school, at home and beyond.
As an academy, the trust board determines the admissions arrangements for the school. Currently, it adopts the policies of Suffolk Local Authority but for admissions from 2020 it has adopted a new admissions policy. This policy is available on the policy page of the website. Breakfast and 'after-school' care is also available as an option to provide extended day care.
The Governing Body of Claydon Primary School have been discussing deeper school-to school partnership given current Government policy on education and the running of schools. Although Claydon Primary School is performing well, the governors recognise that in an increasingly challenging educational landscape maintaining and improving school performance needs a more sustainable plan.
Claydon Primary School has a Local Governing Body (LGB) which has functions delegated to it as part of South Suffolk Learning Trust's governance structure. Working closely with the staff in a strategic role, the Local Governing Body provides direction, guidance and support. Is accountable for the performance of the school and ensures that the school follows statutory assessment procedures.
The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England. It is designed to help disadvantaged pupils of all abilities perform better, and close the gap between them and their peers. Each year we review the learning outcomes of our pupils premium pupils and seek to identify any barriers to their learning.
The welfare and progress of all individual pupils is of the most importance and we strive to support each child in developing towards their full potential. We recognise that some pupils, either for a short period or throughout their time in school require additional support due to a range of Special Educational Needs.
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