Alexandra School is a primary school, located in Harrow, for children with special educational needs. We provide a friendly and caring environment in which children feel valued and secure. Our curriculum is rich, broad and challenging to bring out every child's unique talents. Alexandra School is a member of the Eden Academy Trust, a family of schools for children and young people with a range of learning disabilities including those who may be autistic and those who have physical or sensory needs.
Alexandra School is a fully inclusive primary school that specialises in supporting children 4-11 with moderate learning difficulties, sometimes associated with behavioural, emotional, social, communication, physical or sensory needs. For the most part, Alexandra School serves the Harrow community and as such, reflects the ethnic diversity of the local population.
The school aims to ensure effective and regular communication with parents and carers, in order to work collaboratively and secure the best possible outcomes for all pupils. Parents are regularly invited into school to share in their child's learning. As part of this they will develop an understanding of the curriculum and celebrate achievement.
Members meet once a year for an Annual General Meeting where they review performance across the Trust as well as discuss with Trustees new developments and their vision for the future. You can find more information and profiles of the members and the declarations of interest of Trust Members, Trustees and Audit Committee Members here.
All pupils are taught in small class groups with the average class size being nine pupils. Every class in additional to a teacher has an average of two Learning Support Assistants. This helps to ensure that all pupils receive an appropriate balance of whole class, small group and individual teaching.
The curriculum at Alexandra School is designed with our school value of, 'Believe in the possibility and the power of change' at its heart. We focus on the individual learning needs of each pupil in order for them to make the best progress they can. Class sizes are small, between 7-10 children in order for staff to personalise learning and promote independence.
Reviews (1)
Daniel Alizadeh
Jul 01, 2020