At Longfield, we believe that history should provide memorable, engaging experiences that stimulate a curiosity about the past. To do this, we use 'WOW days' that hook the children into their topic and prompt worthwhile discussion. Class texts are often set in the historical period studied, enabling children to learn holistically, making links between subjects.
To provide a relatable context, we use the theme of childhood across the history curriculum; this facilitates connections between periods studied, and comparisons to their own experiences. They will develop a sense of identity through historical enquiry into the local area, and a curriculum that is adapted to our community.
To provide a relatable context, we use the theme of childhood across the history curriculum; this facilitates connections between periods studied, and comparisons to their own experiences. They will develop a sense of identity through historical enquiry into the local area, and a curriculum that is adapted to our community.
Our school values and vision underpin all that we stand for, Longfield prides itself on being part of a community that puts children at the heart of all we do. We are a partnership that strives to achieve excellence with a commitment to lifelong learning, hence our motto, 'Learning together, Achieving forever'.
Paper copies of documents displayed on the website are available free of charge on request to the school office. We operate a push messaging service, called ParentMail which enables us to send out information and updates to your mobile phone. We would use this service to notify you of school closures, the progress of school trips etc. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THESE MESSAGES as the service does not accept incoming messages.
To promote our values and create independent, confident adults who are able to make a positive contribution to society we use the 5Rs. This is integral to the ethos of the school. We believe that these skills are fundamental in shaping our children to become confident individuals and responsible citizens who are focused on lifelong learning.
Our standard number for each year group is 120 and we have 4 classes of 30 pupils in each year group. Nursery - age 3/4 - There are 2 three hour sessions, (morning and afternoon, ) with 26 children in each session.
Children do not always stay in the same class groups from Foundation Stage through to Year 6. Pupil movements are taken into account and it may become necessary at some stage to re-group the classes within a year group due to a variety of imbalances e.g. the number of boys and girls, ability, ethnicity or language in each class.Each class teacher is responsible for the teaching and learning within their class.
Children do not always stay in the same class groups from Foundation Stage through to Year 6. Pupil movements are taken into account and it may become necessary at some stage to re-group the classes within a year group due to a variety of imbalances e.g. the number of boys and girls, ability, ethnicity or language in each class.Each class teacher is responsible for the teaching and learning within their class.
Here at Longfield Primary School, we are extremely proud of the immense cultural capital brought by our students, parents and staff. Over 38 different languages are spoken throughout the school and we know that only by working TOGETHER we will achieve our full potential!
Our team of highly skilled Parent Ambassadors provide an opportunity for parents and pupils to be fully included in school activities from the beginning of their time with us at Longfield.The team is made up of a mixture of experienced teachers and teaching assistants, all of whom offer interpreting and translation support in a range of languages spoken within our community.
Our team of highly skilled Parent Ambassadors provide an opportunity for parents and pupils to be fully included in school activities from the beginning of their time with us at Longfield.The team is made up of a mixture of experienced teachers and teaching assistants, all of whom offer interpreting and translation support in a range of languages spoken within our community.