Welcome to our website which is intended to give you an insight into our life and work here at St Vincent's. As a Catholic community, Gospel values permeate all aspects of our school life and daily prayer and worship are central to all that we do. We have close links with our parish community and join them for Mass each Thursday.
Through getting to know Jesus and placing him at the centre of our lives we live the mission of our school, 'Jesus, be the centre of our lives' and our community learns the importance of love and respect for all. Our School is a happy and secure place where children are encouraged to aim for the highest possible standards in all they do.
Through getting to know Jesus and placing him at the centre of our lives we live the mission of our school, 'Jesus, be the centre of our lives' and our community learns the importance of love and respect for all. Our School is a happy and secure place where children are encouraged to aim for the highest possible standards in all they do.
As a Catholic School, we take the mission of Jesus Christ at the centre of all that we do. The home, parish and school come together to provide a caring family atmosphere. St. Vincent's Catholic Primary School opened in 1974 with aided status to serve the north part of St. Mary's Parish, Dunstable, catering for children from age 3-9.
Our mission statement underpins all our activities as we endeavour to live the message of the Gospels by:. It gives children a lively and engaging curriculum where they are able to learn through a variety of experiences and activities. Besides the formal RE syllabus, every opportunity will be taken to ensure the message of the Gospel is in all the work of the school.
As a Catholic School, we take the mission of Jesus Christ at the centre of all that we do. The home, parish and school come together to provide a caring family atmosphere. Places at our school are offered in line with our Admissions Criteria as set out in the document below. Although priority is given to Catholic children, children from other Faiths are welcome.
As a Catholic School, we take the mission of Jesus Christ at the centre of all that we do. The home, parish and school come together to provide a caring family atmosphere. All children are taught the core subjects of RE, maths, English, science and IT. Woven into this is the teaching of skills which all children need both while at St Vincent's and beyond.
At St Vincent's School we place a very high importance on learning to read. We do not have one reading scheme but a mixture of books from a variety of sources to cater for all abilities and interests. All our books are colour coded with a wide range of choice in each colour band. As well as reading books we encourage our children to read newspapers, magazines, and electronic media.