We need your votes!: We Need Your Vote! It's competition time at Thornhill Primary School as we are in with the chance of winning a canopy! A&S Landscape, a supplier of padel court covers, is awarding a shade sail to one lucky school. The winner of this competition will be the school will the most votes so. Our vision for Thornhill is to be the very best we can be and to provide a happy, friendly, safe and encouraging place where everyone feels welcomed and valued.
Our school is a place where achievement is expected and is celebrated, a place where all members of the school community care about each other and are kind to each other; a place where behaviour is oustanding and where success of all kinds is noticed so that we can take pride in all the work we are doing.We Need Your Vote! It's competition time at Thornhill Primary School as we are in with the chance of winning a.
Our school is a place where achievement is expected and is celebrated, a place where all members of the school community care about each other and are kind to each other; a place where behaviour is oustanding and where success of all kinds is noticed so that we can take pride in all the work we are doing.We Need Your Vote! It's competition time at Thornhill Primary School as we are in with the chance of winning a.
We are very excited to welcome you to Thornhill Primary School which is expanding to a three form entry school. Grove Road Site - This is the current school which will be undergoing a full refurbishment during the summer holidays. This site will be for our Nursery, Reception and Year 1 children. Both sites will be linked by the school field accessible by a path for the children and staff.
At Thornhill Primary school, we aim to create a welcoming, positive, caring environment where relationships are based on respect. We believe that this in turn will develop a positive sense of self-esteem in all children. Staff at Thornhill are committed to maintaining high expectations of good behaviour as an essential contribution to the educational experience of children.
As part of a Central Bedfordshire directive we have a plan for "lockdowns". Lockdown procedures are important and would be used in response to an internal or external incident which could be a threat to the safety of staff and children in the school. A warning being received regarding a local risk of air pollution (smoke plume, gas cloud etc).
Applying for Free School Meals also supports the school's financial position and in tern benefits your child further through the Pupil Premium Grant that all schools receive. Take a look at our children's barriers to learning and attached Pupil Premium Plans to see how we use the funding that we receive to support your children.
A school parliament is group of students who are elected to represent the views of all pupils and to improve their school. In our school there are two representatives for each year group. First of all, you have to be really well-behaved all the time. You have to write a manifesto and read it to the rest of the school.
Reviews (1)
Coldfeet Pete
Dec 12, 2016