My name is Lisa Sumpter and it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to St Joseph's and St Gregory's Catholic Primary School. Our vision is that every child who leaves us knows they have a definite service to do; are not afraid to follow God's call in their lives; through education discovers their unique vocation and, in discovering that, find fulfilment in life.
We successfully combine a well-resourced, nurturing environment with the challenge of high aspiration - all that is the hallmark of excellent Catholic education. We interrupt your day to bring you this important announcement from the children of @ScottPrimary! Join the Summer Reading Challenge at any Bedford Borough Library, absolutely free.
We successfully combine a well-resourced, nurturing environment with the challenge of high aspiration - all that is the hallmark of excellent Catholic education. We interrupt your day to bring you this important announcement from the children of @ScottPrimary! Join the Summer Reading Challenge at any Bedford Borough Library, absolutely free.
Both schools have had many successes over the last four years culminating in a very successful Ofsted Inspections in 2016. As part of the Bedford Catholic Schools Trust we see the children in our school through from Nursery up to year 6 before progressing on to St Thomas More. This gives our students an uninterrupted education that encourages them to flourish at all stages of their schooling.
EXCELLENCE TOGETHER: We strive to work, as a Catholic community, to secure outstanding outcomes for all our students. UNIQUENESS: We recognise everyone in our school as being made in God's image. By learning in a community founded on Gospel values, we ensure that our children are prepared for their lives ahead.
70% of children achieved the measure of a 'Good Level of Development' (GLD) which includes English and Maths. The 2019 results are an excellent outcome for our children, who entered our school with a lower level of phonic knowledge than previous cohorts due to the increasing numbers of children learning with English as an additional language.
Please see below pecuniary interests information for LAC Governors at St Joseph's & St Gregory's Primary. The Pecuniary Interests information for the full Governing Body can be found on the OLICAT website. The Bedford Catholic Schools are within the Diocese of Northampton. The Trustees of our Trust (Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Academies Trust) are members of the Duns Scotus Trust.
We are proud to now be a part of the Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Academies Trust (OLICAT Schools), which brings together eleven Catholic schools across the northern part of the Diocese of Northampton. Our multi academy trust (OLICAT Schools) has been formed by the merger of St Luke's Academy Trust, St Francis of Assisi Academy Trust (Bedford Catholic Schools) and St Thomas of Canterbury Academy Trust.
Reviews (1)
Betty Osagie
Dec 06, 2018