We are looking at ways in which we can ensure that your voice is heard. Jan Sutton is running an informal coffee morning on zoom on Wednesday's mornings. It's a great opportunity to have an chat, get to know other people, share ideas and help us to improve the school. If you can't make it and have any suggestions please get in touch.
As a Christian family, together, we will realise our God-given ability to change the world. Our vision is highly aspirational for our children and community. Within this short statement hides the huge work we need to do together to ensure our children have the confidence, knowledge and skills to go into the world and make a positive difference.
School governors are volunteers drawn from different parts of the community, such as parents, the staff, the local authority (LA) and the church. This helps to ensure that the governing body has sufficient diversity of views and experience. The church governors are called Foundation Governors and are appointed by Chester Diocese and the Parochial Church Council (P.C.C.) which is the governing body of our local church.
We pride ourselves on having an experienced, friendly and skilled pre school staff. We follow the Early Years Foundation Curriculum with the intention of ensuring that a holistic approach to each child allows them to flourish and establish themselves prior to starting F2. Some of our parents take advantage of funding for 30 hours.
Over the summer term and as the children returned, we have been developing our approach to home learning. Through no fault of their own children have lost months of learning. We cannot afford for them to miss anymore learning if we can avoid it. As you are no doubt aware, this is absolutely crucial in the case of lockdown, a class bubble having to isolate or if individual children have to isolate.
Our curriculum is designed to give all of our children the very best opportunities to make our vision a reality. We have built it around the acronym R-A-I-S-E. E - Elevating our children to a position where they can make a positive difference to the world. We have carefully tailor- designed our own curriculum to ensure our children experience purposeful, exciting and inspirational learning opportunities.
Reviews (1)
Hayley Dodd
Dec 10, 2019