On behalf of the pupils, staff and Board of Governors of Belvoir Park Primary School I would like to welcome you to our website. The website will give you just a glimpse of life at our school and we consider it a privilege when a parent entrusts their child to our care. We use the website to inform you about the life of our school and to celebrate the success of our pupils and we hope as you explore the site you get a flavour of Belvoir Park PS.
Due to current restrictions we are unable to welcome you into our school. Instead we have made these videos, which we hope will give you an insight into life in Belvoir! Summer 2021 marks the end of an era in Belvoir as we bid a fond farewell to our P1 Classroom Assistant, Mrs Moore. Many pupils and staff (past and present) have shared stories in the video below.
Due to current restrictions we are unable to welcome you into our school. Instead we have made these videos, which we hope will give you an insight into life in Belvoir! Summer 2021 marks the end of an era in Belvoir as we bid a fond farewell to our P1 Classroom Assistant, Mrs Moore. Many pupils and staff (past and present) have shared stories in the video below.
We would like to warmly welcome you to Belvoir Nursery Unit! We operate a full-time pattern of attendance with 52 children attending in two classes of 26. Each class is staffed with a Teacher and Nursery Assistant.
Our Nursery's core purpose is to provide a happy and caring environment where the children are nurtured and encouraged to develop their skills emotionally, socially, physically, intellectually and creatively through play, across all areas of the Pre-School Curriculum.The six areas of the Pre-School Curriculum are resourced both indoors and outdoors.
Our Nursery's core purpose is to provide a happy and caring environment where the children are nurtured and encouraged to develop their skills emotionally, socially, physically, intellectually and creatively through play, across all areas of the Pre-School Curriculum.The six areas of the Pre-School Curriculum are resourced both indoors and outdoors.
We had a special tea party in P1 to mark our fantastic Classroom Assistant, Mrs Moore's retirement. Many pupils and staff (past and present) have shared stories in the video below. We are all very sad to say goodbye to her, but wish her joy and happiness for the next chapter in her life. Our topic in September/ October is Nursery Rhymes and we are taking part in an Eight Rhyme Challenge!
The Year 1 children had a great time participating and enjoyed all the different activities. Well done to everyone for taking part! Our topic is the garden centre. Our role play area has been transformed into a garden centre and we have been very busy planting cress, painting and making play dough flowers, designing seed packets, making a pictograph of our favourite flowers and finding out about how plants and flowers grow.
Chinese New Year and 100th Day as well as Safer Internet Day. We celebrated by making a Chinese Lantern decorated with 100 stamps, weighing 100 things and seeing how many times we could hop, high kick, toe lift or crunch in 100 seconds during PE. We had so much fun in January. We did Sensory circuits, Y5 started Gymnastics, Y4 learned about the oceans using a Twister game and we celebrated a birthday!
We are enjoying our outdoor playtimes. We love writing and drawing with chalks, using paintbrushes to clean the blackboards and making tunes with the musical board. We had a wonderful morning with Claire and Luke from Blackberry Farm. Claire told us stories about Peter Rabbit, Jemima Puddleduck and The Little Red Hen.
Reviews (1)
Lisa Smallwood
May 29, 2018
I have been honoured & blessed to put my 2 children through Belvoir Park Primary school. Through the speech & language unit & the mainstream & every teacher in Belvoir PS has individual time for each child & each parent, I know from my own experience off having anxiety that they have helped me through each year wether it be parent teacher consultations or making hard choice decisions for my children to move from speech & language unit into mainstream. They truly are all a credit to the school..
Mostly I would like to thank the Head mistress Mrs Watson, when I came to Belvoir many years ago I was
Mostly I would like to thank the Head mistress Mrs Watson, when I came to Belvoir many years ago I was