While we were all dealing with isolation and lockdown, Rachel was also trying to save her daughter's life. For 30 years Jami has provided practical and emotional support for the mental health of the Jewish community. Jami's vision is a Jewish community which accepts, acknowledges and understands mental illness.
A community which is resilient and has the capacity and capability to be healthy. A community in which symptoms of mental illness are as recognisable as a heart attack and trigger an equally appropriate First Aid response. A community in which Parity of Esteem is a reality and an environment which helps, not hinders recovery.
A community which is resilient and has the capacity and capability to be healthy. A community in which symptoms of mental illness are as recognisable as a heart attack and trigger an equally appropriate First Aid response. A community in which Parity of Esteem is a reality and an environment which helps, not hinders recovery.
We understand that everyone's experience of mental illness is different. We provide practical and emotional support for everyone affected by a mental health problem, the person with the diagnosis, friend, relative or employer. Supporting around 1,300 people at any one time and reaching thousands more through our community education.
Ring Samaritans on Freephone 116 123 (24 hours a day) or the Jewish Helpline on 0800 652 9249 (Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 00:00; Friday 12:00 - 15:00). Contact Shout via their 24/7 free text service if you're struggling to cope or need immediate help. Text Jami to 85258. Call the Papyrus HOPELINEUK, on 0800 068 41 41 or text 07860 039 967 if you are under 35 and worried about how you are feeling.
If you would like to make a referral on behalf of someone else you will be asked to confirm that person is aware you have called Jami and they are happy for Jami to call them back to discuss your concerns. Due to the General Data Protection Regulation (2018) and to protect client confidentiality we are unable to discuss with you details of anyone who may use Jami services (see privacy statement).
Jami offers a service for carers; from signposting towards relevant statutory services to simply being there as a support and confidant. Caring for someone with a mental illness can be physically and emotionally challenging and exhausting. Jami provides one to one and group support, plus information and guidance enabling carers to cope with their own daily lives and routines.
Our Head Room Education team provide a programme of workshops, seminars and other learning opportunities to schools, synagogues and organisations, to increase peoples' mental health literacy. Due to the imposed temporary closure of Head Room Caf, our courses and monthly programme of discussion groups and events are now online, enabling people to learn, check-in for support and connect with others.
Reviews (5)
Richard Estrin
Jan 17, 2021
Efrat Colover
Feb 02, 2020
Frank Hopwood
Jul 01, 2019
It was the last time I went in. I gave a very good account of myself to a social worker called Adam, presented as articulate, capable and intelligent, he said he write a report to that effect, which I never saw, but by then it was all too late and the whole kaboodle of mental health was kicking off regardless, and hasn't died down since. They keep it quiet, but his second wife Naomi, is a social worker there, I have known her for years, they operate by different surnames, and have different religions, but that's modern life for you Good luck to them!!
Jeff Cooper
Aug 06, 2018
Sophia Graham
Feb 22, 2016