It is a pleasure to welcome you to our school. I hope the information on this website will help explain how the school works and fosters a positive and fruitful partnership in educating our pupils. Our primary aim is to maintain a happy and safe working environment which stimulates the children's interest in the school and the school activities.
It is the school's basic aim to offer a broad and balanced curriculum and equip each child with skills and interests in order that he or she may develop to their fullest potential and talents. We wish to enable them to articulate themselves orally and in writing, to work confidently with numbers and to work at activities with a scientific approach, as soon as they are able and as well as they are able.
It is the school's basic aim to offer a broad and balanced curriculum and equip each child with skills and interests in order that he or she may develop to their fullest potential and talents. We wish to enable them to articulate themselves orally and in writing, to work confidently with numbers and to work at activities with a scientific approach, as soon as they are able and as well as they are able.
This area of our site provides information for parents and prospective parents. If you do not find what you are looking for here, please do not hesitate to call the School Office- Mrs Edwards is the school's Senior Administer and we will do our utmost to help. Mrs Ackrill is the Head teacher and the SENDCo.
Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual household income that does not exceed 16190. Please contact Mrs Edwards in the school office if you have any queries or if you need assistance accessing the Parent Portal. If your child is already receiving free school meals you do not need to do anything.
We hope the information in our Prospectus brochure will help explain how the school works and fosters a positive and fruitful partnership in educating your child. You may download a copy of the current prospectus below. The school has four classrooms which means there are more than one year group to some of the classes.
The Government has given all schools some extra funding to support children who are Looked After or eligible for Free School Meals and children whose parents are in the Armed Forces. We are expected to use this money to raise children's academic, social and personal achievements. At Great Steeping Primary School we aim to ensure that all children have the opportunities to access the same curriculum in and out of the school day.
The Government is providing funding for primary school physical education and school sport. It has been given directly to head teachers to spend on improving the quality of PE and sports provision. Ofsted will increase the monitoring of Physical Education as a result of this increased funding. To develop strong professional dialogue between company and school to ensure rigorous lessons and assessment throughout the year.