Annie Lennard Primary School is a happy, caring and friendly one-form entry primary school welcoming approximately 230 children aged from 3 to 11. Our aim is to bring learning alive for the children and to make the curriculum as relevant, exciting and as stimulating as we can make it. We aim to cater for all children's needs and recognise the fact that children learn best in different ways and at different rates.
We value strengths that each child has and develop them, providing support and encouragement along the way. Whilst we are very proud of our academic achievements and expect high standards of work and behaviour from all of our children, we place equal importance on the development of social, spiritual and emotional skills.
We value strengths that each child has and develop them, providing support and encouragement along the way. Whilst we are very proud of our academic achievements and expect high standards of work and behaviour from all of our children, we place equal importance on the development of social, spiritual and emotional skills.
The team of Governors at Annie Lennard Primary School helps to ensure the quality of education provision and act as the accountable body for the school. We do this by setting the strategic vision and the ethos of school, monitoring and challenging the school's performance and recruiting and holding to account the Head Teacher.
I am writing to introduce myself as the new Chair of Governors at Annie Lennard. My background includes being a primary school teacher for 14 years in both Birmingham and Sandwell and I am currently a Senior Lecturer at a local university training individuals to be primary school teachers. You may have seen me in school supporting trainee teachers and I am a familiar face in classrooms to the children.
At Annie Lennard Primary we are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of our families. Wellbeing is about our thoughts, feelings, emotions and ability to react to life. A good sense of wellbeing is feeling ok and able to cope, even when life or situations are challenging.
During these stressful, unprecedented times there may be times when a little extra help and support is needed, below you will find some useful numbers and web pages for you to explore should you wish to.Be there to listen - Regularly ask how they're doing so they get used to talking about their feelings and know there's always someone to listen if they want it.
During these stressful, unprecedented times there may be times when a little extra help and support is needed, below you will find some useful numbers and web pages for you to explore should you wish to.Be there to listen - Regularly ask how they're doing so they get used to talking about their feelings and know there's always someone to listen if they want it.
Our school has been given the opportunity to take part in a project that will run jointly between Education and West Midlands Police. Operation Encompass is a police and Education safeguarding partnership that supports children and young people exposed to Domestic Abuse. It aims to ensure Schools are notified in a timely manner of any Domestic Abuse incident where a child was either present or registered at the address.
If your child is ill, please telephone the school 0121 429 4284 press option1 for absence line, before 9:15am and let us know your child 's name, class and why they are absent. If you take your child to the doctors and you are given some medication it is helpful if this can be brought into school to be photocopied for our attendance file.