On behalf of the Governors, Staff and children here at Britannia Community Primary School, I would like to welcome you to our school and thank you for visiting our website. Our friendly school is a place where children are encouraged to become confident, articulate and caring individuals who use all their abilities to the full.
It is important to us that the children are happy, enjoy their learning and have a wide range of opportunities made available both within the school and through our enrichment activities. At Britannia every child matters and each individual is provided with the chance to shine. We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.
It is important to us that the children are happy, enjoy their learning and have a wide range of opportunities made available both within the school and through our enrichment activities. At Britannia every child matters and each individual is provided with the chance to shine. We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.
Mrs Isherwood is the teacher and Mrs Bromley and Mrs Wright are the teaching assistants (TAs). At Britannia CP School we follow the Read, Write, Inc phonics scheme. Your child will begin their phonics lessons in their second/third week in school, after the Reception Baseline Assessment has been completed.
Your teacher is Miss Birch and we have two marvellous teaching assistants called Mrs Greenwood and Miss Dawson. In Year 1 we work very hard and learn about lots of exciting things. Below is our yearly overview so you can see what types of things we will be learning about this year. Each half term there will be a class and PSHE newsletter to tell you anything you will need to know for the upcoming half term.
Hello and a very warm welcome to Year 2! My name is Mrs Nuttall and I am the class teacher. I am really excited to be teaching Year 2 this year and I have lot of exciting learning opportunities planned for the children. Although I have taught in Year 6 over the past few years, I have experience of teaching a range of classes in primary school and have even taught for in EYFS for a number of years.
Homework will be given out via Google Classroom on a Friday and it will be due in the following Friday unless stated otherwise. Homework will consist of 7 spellings, Mathletics activities and Times Table Rockstars activities. There will also be a mix or curriculum and comprehension work. In our Maths sessions we will be concentrating on number and place value to begin with.
Welcome to Year 6! The teacher in Year 6 is Miss Connolly and our wonderful TA is Miss Nestor. We are looking forward to working your amazing children again and can't wait to see what we get up to this year in Year 6! They also delivered some outstanding Head Boy/Girl and prefect speeches which is going to make making a decision very tricky!
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