We would like to thank our parents and children for their contribution to the final report. We place great emphasis on understanding the safe use of the internet. However, as we all recognise, the internet holds pitfalls for all our children that they need to learn how to safely navigate. We at Pilsley Primary are dedicated to keeping our children as safe as possible by giving them the right skills and knowledge to make safe choices.
To that end we regularly build in to the curriculum refreshers of what they should do in specific circumstances. On behalf of our school we would like to welcome you and your family to Pilsley Primary and Nursery School.
To that end we regularly build in to the curriculum refreshers of what they should do in specific circumstances. On behalf of our school we would like to welcome you and your family to Pilsley Primary and Nursery School.
We aim to create a happy and caring environment for all our children and feel strongly that to achieve this you as a parent need to feel welcome, your views listened to and a mutual trust and respect built between school and home. We seek excellence in all we do and our aim is for every child to reach their full potential.
The Pilsley Staff Team are constantly evaluating not only the content of the curriculum but also how we deliver that skill and knowledge effectively. This process is important so that we can enable as many pupils as possible to reach their potential within education. Key factors for many children that affect their learning revolve around how they think, how they feel emotionally, succeed socially and understand their own abilities.
The Five Pits Partnership (5PPS) is a formal collaboration that brings together 12 schools with the aim of improving educational opportunities for the young people of the area. The 12 schools, which are all members of the Tibshelf Cluster, include two infant schools, a junior school, eight primary schools and a community school.
Pilsley Primary School adheres to the Derbyshire Safer Recruitment procedures, as set out on the Derbyshire Saferguarding Children's Board in line with safer recruitment for schools. All organisations that employ adults to work with children should adopt a consistent and thorough process of safe recruitment in order to ensure that those recruited are suitable and should include enhanced Disclosure and Barring (DBS) checks.
A Teaching School Alliance is a group of schools who work together as part of a self improvement process of staff development and raising pupil achievement. A Teaching School Alliance will often include a network of local authority and academy schools across all phases and specialisms.
Our aim is to make a significant contribution to the future of our school system and being part of the Alfreton Nursery Teaching School Alliance helps us to share best practice and learn from others for the benefit of our pupils.
Our aim is to make a significant contribution to the future of our school system and being part of the Alfreton Nursery Teaching School Alliance helps us to share best practice and learn from others for the benefit of our pupils.
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