Our Nursery Class is filling up rapidly too so if you have a 3 year old or child who is due to start Reception in September, please come and see our children learning and playing in our fantastic early years environment. School offers up to 30 hours nursery education and childcare, a breakfast club and 'Sunflowers' after school club Please contact the School Office for further information.
Willow Wood Community Primary School is a happy and successful learning community where everybody is welcomed, supported and challenged to achieve their best. We aim to create an open and welcoming learning community, where all voices are valued and listened to.
Willow Wood Community Primary School is a happy and successful learning community where everybody is welcomed, supported and challenged to achieve their best. We aim to create an open and welcoming learning community, where all voices are valued and listened to.
We will be learning to take turns, share, make new friends, sing songs, play instruments, build, paint, explore the sand, water and play dough. We will be counting to 5, looking at some 2D shapes, thinking about our homes and the world where we live. We are also going to be practicing holding our pencils correctly and recognising and writing our own names.
Please read with your child every night at home to help them to become amazing independent readers. At the beginning of every half term your child will receive a set of spellings to practise at home that they will then be tested on at the end of the half term. Counting to and from 100 from a given number and practising counting in 2s, 5s and 10s will help your children to develop their maths skills.
This year is a very important year, as all the children will be completing their SATs during the month of May. Please ensure your child has excellent attendance and support them to complete any home learning set. Please bring your book bag everyday and listen to your child read at home each evening, then we will all become amazing independent readers!.
We will be concentrating on reading and spelling in English and times tables in Maths to start the year, so please support your child by practicing times tables and reading with your child at home every day. Each week you will be given a piece of homework to complete, a list of spellings to learn and also times tables.
Sunflowers Breakfast Club runs every morning in our Sunshine building from 8.00am. Children will be greeted by Mrs Osborne, Mrs Hatton and Mrs Lee. Cereal, fruit, toast, crumpets and pancakes are available daily along with a choice of drinks. 1.00 per day - contact the school office if you are interested.
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