At Fullwood Primary School we believe in providing a safe and stimulating environment which enables every child to achieve their best through varied learning experiences so that they can be confident, happy, healthy pupils who are life long learners This is our school's vision and we believe that a positive partnership between teachers, parents and carers and children, we will achieve our vision.
Fullwood Primary is a thriving community school in the London Borough of Redbridge. The school is set in pleasant, well-maintained grounds surrounded by grass areas, shrubs and trees. We have a small copse which provides the base for our ecology area. The school was originally built in 1974, extended in 2000 and then following expansion, an extension was built in 2012.
Fullwood Primary is a thriving community school in the London Borough of Redbridge. The school is set in pleasant, well-maintained grounds surrounded by grass areas, shrubs and trees. We have a small copse which provides the base for our ecology area. The school was originally built in 1974, extended in 2000 and then following expansion, an extension was built in 2012.
Thank you for considering Fullwood Primary School as an option for your child's primary education. You are very welcome to make a visit to the school to have a look at our wonderful school for yourself. Visits to the school: can be arranged by contacting the school's main office. Our PSA (Parent Support Advisor) usually leads tours of the school and a member of the Upper Leadership Team will also be pleased to meet you.
Our school fully complies with the public sector equality duty in the Equality Act 2010 and the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017. Please read our Equalities Policy here which details our commitment to disability equality, race equality, gender equality, age equality; equality based around religions, beliefs, sexual orientation and our commitment to promoting community cohesion.
As part of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Local Offer Regulations in the Children and Families Bill, all Redbridge schools and schools in other areas attended by pupils who live in Redbridge will be required to develop a local offer outlining the support available to pupils with special educational needs and their families.
Everyone doing their bit to help save the environment is critical, and Fullwood Primary School is no exception. Even small efforts help towards the overall impact, and are especially important given the current climate. We're all too familiar with reading about, or watching reports on the effects of climate change, and how over consumption is damaging the environment.
Fullwood Primary School is currently working in partnership on a number of levels (see below). The primary focus on the work done in all networks is improving outcomes for children in our school and the local and wider communities. We are also members of several other networks and partnerships including supporting schools in Turkey and Bangladesh.