On behalf of all the children, staff, parents and governors I would like to welcome you to Browick Road Primary and Nursery School. I have a dedicated and hard-working team of staff at school, ensuring an excellent education for all your children. We are extremely proud of our school and its long history in Wymondham.
Many of our staff, parents and grandparents came to Browick and we are very much at the heart of the local community. It is so important to us that your child is happy at school because a happy child is a child who will learn. At Browick learning happens in many different and exciting ways. We place great emphasis on developing children's thinking and problem-solving skills through creative drama and an activity based approach.
Many of our staff, parents and grandparents came to Browick and we are very much at the heart of the local community. It is so important to us that your child is happy at school because a happy child is a child who will learn. At Browick learning happens in many different and exciting ways. We place great emphasis on developing children's thinking and problem-solving skills through creative drama and an activity based approach.
Our Governing Body draws on people with a range of experience and interest in the school. We meet at least termly for full Governing Body meetings and all governors sit on the finance, personnel & premises committee or the curriculum committee. The governors focus their support for the school on strategic leadership to drive forward school improvement.
We're the Reception class and you'll find us busy learning through play every day. We balance whole-class teaching, individual and small group work with lots of planned and free play activities. Watching, playing with and talking to the children about what they're doing and enjoying helps us plan to grow their learning.
It has been fantastic to see all the children settling into Year 3 so quickly this week. We have had talking and writing time to share holiday stories, introduced some of our Year 3 subjects and learnt about some famous Spanish artists. First, we learnt about Joan Miro and practised some surreal art for the children's sketchbook front covers.
Last Monday, we started off the week with a few people playing 'monster' and trashing the classroom in preparation for our English work! I think they had a bit too much fun pushing over tables and scattering belongings everywhere! It sparked off some excellent writing though - as well as a lot of excitement.
Reviews (1)
Rebecca Codling
Aug 11, 2014