If you or anyone in your household is awaiting a test or test results NO-ONE in your household should attend school. Keep to the drop off and pick up times- no-one should be on school grounds at any other time. At Tullygally Primary school we have a very dedicated team of staff, governors and parents who ensure children are valued as individuals and are given every opportunity to achieve their full potential and goals.
We are extremely proud of our school and have worked hard to create a caring and nurturing ethos. We have wonderful children here at Tullygally Primary School and it is a pleasure to get to know each and every one of them not only as a teacher but as a Principal also. Please feel free to contact the school if you require any further information or to arrange a visit.
We are extremely proud of our school and have worked hard to create a caring and nurturing ethos. We have wonderful children here at Tullygally Primary School and it is a pleasure to get to know each and every one of them not only as a teacher but as a Principal also. Please feel free to contact the school if you require any further information or to arrange a visit.
We are very excited to be starting our new topic 'The Farm' and tying it in with the Spring season. We have our very own Farm Shop in the classroom and have been learning about different foods and where they come from! We are also looking at the changes we might see around us as we enter a new season.
During these months our topic will be 'Helping Hands'. We will explore the different parts of our bodies and how we can look after them. We will look at our emergency services and how they help us. Our main story will be 'At the Hospital'and this will allow us to develop our understanding of the staff and areas within the hospital and how they help us.
We, the Key Stage One Staff, have made the decision that homework activities for the next few weeks for Primary 3, Primary 4 and Primary 4/5 classes will be Spelling/Phonics, Reading, Teach Your Monster to Read and Mathletics. Your child will be given the log in details for Teach your Monster and Mathletics to allow them to log in at home.
Your child's phonics folder will be sent home on a Monday and must remain at home until Friday. Your child's purple mental maths book will be sent home on a Monday and must remain at home for two weeks at a time. It will be brought back to school every other Friday. Instead of a written numeracy homework on a Tuessday night your child will have two Mathletics homeworks per week.
As the Friends of Tullygally we would like to start by thanking each parent and pupil for all continuing support. We are a small fundraising group however, over the last few years with help from all the parents, pupils and staff have managed to provide the school with two new whiteboards. On average a new whiteboard costs around 3000.
Reviews (1)
Noeleen Floyd
Jan 07, 2017