Silsden Primary School is a special place - an uplifting school full of joy and passion for learning. We are a happy and inclusive school offering all our children the opportunity to succeed. Every day at Silsden Primary School counts - because every day is rewarding, challenging, productive and enjoyable for our children.
We want every child to find their place to shine. Children only have one chance at their primary schooling and, with our rich and varied curriculum, we know that over their seven years at Silsden, each child will be able to grow and develop with confidence. We grow children who can succeed in their core reading, writing and maths skills but who can also develop learning skills for life.
We want every child to find their place to shine. Children only have one chance at their primary schooling and, with our rich and varied curriculum, we know that over their seven years at Silsden, each child will be able to grow and develop with confidence. We grow children who can succeed in their core reading, writing and maths skills but who can also develop learning skills for life.
Children are able to join Silsden Primary School Nursery once they have turned 3. Normally this is the term after their third birthday when they are eligible for free early year's education provision which is 15 statutory hours per week. If you would like to place your child's name on our waiting list, please contact the School Office on 01535 210666/653290.
At Silsden Primary School, we believe that promoting children's healthy lifestyles and participation in sport and is a key role of the school. Playtimes are active with children encouraged to devise their and manage their own team games. Pupil Premium children are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular sport through places being funded by the school's Pupil Premium Special Fund.
As a data controller and processor, we have to ensure that the information we hold on pupils, parents/legal guardians and any emergency contacts is essential data and that we have legal grounds to process that data. Where required, we must obtain clear consent and give clear choices to opt out. Some of the data we hold is exempt from consent.
At Silsden Primary School we offer a range of before and after school clubs and childcare provision. Other activity clubs are run after school - mainly through external providers. The majority of these command a small fee per session (payable via ParentPay) and each club has a fixed number of places which are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
At Silsden Primary School, we believe that promoting children's healthy lifestyles and providing opportunities for participation in (competitive) sport is a key role of the school. In addition to PE within the curriculum, we offer various extra-curricular activities including active clubs and chances to represent the school in local events organised primarily by the Bradford School Games (Bronte Cluster).
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