Amberley Primary is a vibrant, caring school with core values of Nurturing, Innovation and Aspiration. These values inform all our work with pupils, families and staff. We currently offer Breakfast Club from 8am to support working families and Amberley Little Angels After School Club provides 30 Hours Offer care, child care for all ages from 3.15pm - 6pm as well as holiday care.
Please ring 07715204643 for more details or email amberleylittleangels@gmail.com. Please look in our 'NoticeBoard' section for all key dates and activities this term as well as for our school lunch menu.
Please ring 07715204643 for more details or email amberleylittleangels@gmail.com. Please look in our 'NoticeBoard' section for all key dates and activities this term as well as for our school lunch menu.
At Amberley teachers strive to promote curiosity and a love of learning about the past. We believe that exploring History makes a valuable contribution to the children's understanding of all aspects of life, giving a sense of pride, identity and heritage. We have designed a thematic approach to the curriculum to empower every child with the knowledge, understanding and skills to become young historians.
We are a creative, vibrant school which works using the key principles of nurturing, innovation and aspiration to inform all we do. We are proud of our broad and rich curriculum which we review annually to best meet the needs of our learners, making the most of the culture and heritage on our doorstep and seeking to reflect important global issues such as climate change.
Amberley Primary School is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mr Antony Dawson (SENDCO) and Ms Denise Low (HLTA). If you have any concerns about the safety or welfare of a child in school or the local Environment please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead or either of the Deputy Safeguarding Leads on 0191 8140970.
In the spring term of 2019, Amberley Primary undertook a full OFSTED inspection led by Michael Reeves. There is a shared ambition across the headteacher, governors and staff to steer a course of ongoing improvement. Consequently, the school provides a rich curriculum which ensures that pupils achieve high standards at the end of each key stage and pupils' personal development is very strong.
This will only need to be used in cases of school, local or national lockdown or pupil self isolation. Please read and listen to it carefully and feel free to contact your child's class teacher via email if you have any questions or are unsure about anything. We will keep a small amount of hard copies of this information available should you be unable to access these documents electronically.