At Northside Primary School, history is about stimulating the children's interests and developing an understanding of the life of people who lived in the past based on factual knowledge and a progression of skills. To fully understand this, we provide children with opportunities to consider the people involved, their reasons, actions and the consequences of them.
By studying history, children can begin to make sense of the world in which they live and understand the present in context with the past. We firmly believe that history should be activity-based; engaging the children in enquiry and investigation where they are Happy to Learn and Inspired to Flourish.
By studying history, children can begin to make sense of the world in which they live and understand the present in context with the past. We firmly believe that history should be activity-based; engaging the children in enquiry and investigation where they are Happy to Learn and Inspired to Flourish.
A very, warm welcome to Northside Primary School, we are a one form entry school positioned in the heart of North Finchley. We are a diverse, vibrant learning community where expectations and standards are high so that every child achieves their full potential. This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing regular updated information for both parents and pupils.
If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. If you wish to apply for a place at our school out of the usual admissions period, you will need to apply on line with the London Borough of Barnet. Northside Primary School admits children into both the Two Year Old and Three Year Old Nursery the term after their second or third birthday.
In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is 'right' and 'wrong', all people living in England are subject to its law.
Northside Primary School is a small, diverse school where the highly-skilled, established, cohesive staff are committed to creating the positive family-feel of a village school in North Finchley. The children benefit from a larger than average building which is very well-resourced. Northside's children come from wide-ranging cultural, national and educational starting points.
Reading is at the centre of all our children's learning and we instil an attitude of 'reading for pleasure' from Early Years all the way through to Year 6 and including the adults within the school. Our library is the hub of the school and outside reading dens encourage reading in free time.
Reading is celebrated each week in a whole school assembly with certificates for achievements as well as having the opportunity to select a book for 'Golden Ticket' winners.Teaching staff are members of our book club and read a focused book each half term.
Reading is celebrated each week in a whole school assembly with certificates for achievements as well as having the opportunity to select a book for 'Golden Ticket' winners.Teaching staff are members of our book club and read a focused book each half term.
Reviews (6)
Ahmad Reza Chaparian
Oct 29, 2018
Jacqueline Collins
Sep 10, 2017
Unknown Link
Aug 06, 2016
Fiona Friedmann
Dec 06, 2015
I have two of my children at this school and have found it to be an amazing place! They are kind, caring and support every child in such a personal way, its like having family looking after your little ones! The head teacher and full staff are exceptional. Both of my children are learning so quickly and enthusiastically, they have made learning fun! Teamed with the wonderful diversity - celebrated in various ways, my children are having a brilliant time! Thank you Northside!
Jessica Harding
Oct 26, 2015
Aug 10, 2015
All my children attend Northside and are loving it. As a parent I think the diversity of its pupil profile and its dedicated staff encourage my kids to fulfil their academic potential whilst expressing themselves as individuals and being proud of who they are. It's a safe, stimulating, friendly environment and feels at the heart of the local community so couldn't be happier.