Those History People offer exciting on-site school trips for primary schools throughout the UK. We feature a variety of topics, including Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Greeks, Romans, Saxons & Vikings, the Norman Invasion of 1066, the Great Fire of London with more workshops in development.
Our teachers offer practical hands-on history workshops for primary schools, ensuring an exciting and educational packed day without the hassle, inconvenience or expense of leaving your school.We aim to provide a full day of learning with a specialist primary history teacher from 9:15 am to 3.00 pm, at competitive prices.
Our teachers offer practical hands-on history workshops for primary schools, ensuring an exciting and educational packed day without the hassle, inconvenience or expense of leaving your school.We aim to provide a full day of learning with a specialist primary history teacher from 9:15 am to 3.00 pm, at competitive prices.
Those History People is a new company founded by Phil Cooke. It aims to deliver the highest quality history workshops for primary schools. This consists of a full day of learning with a specialist primary history teacher from 9:15 am to 3.00 pm, at competitive prices. Those History People provides practical hands-on living history workshops for primary schools.
This year the Queen of France parted from the king; and she came to the young Earl Henry; and he took her to wife, and all Poitou with her. Then went he with a large force into England, and won some castles; and the king went against him with a much larger force. Step back in time to Medieval Britain.
Number of children: The base price is based on the number of pupils participating. For the coming academic year (2019/20) an average-sized group of 60 pupils would be charged at 400. Materials: The pupils will be making lots of things, so we also add a small materials charge. For the coming academic year (2019/20) an average-sized group of 60 pupils would be charged at 55.
Two cities were sacked, eighty thousand of the Romans and of their allies perished, and the island was lost to Rome. Moreover, all this ruin was brought upon the Romans by a woman, a fact which in itself caused them the greatest shame. Step back in time to iron-age Roman Britain. Rumour has it that Camulodunum has been attacked by Boudica and the Iceni, and a revolt has begun.
This year about mid-winter, after twelfth-night, the Danish army stole out to Chippenham, and rode over the land of the West-Saxons; where they settled, and drove many of the people over sea; and of the rest the greatest part they rode down, and subdued to their will. Step back in time to Dark-Age Britain.
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