Our story dates back to 1924, when the surrounding area was farmland and open fields. The house originally belonged to Herbert Carden, a former Mayor of Brighton, and remained a family home for over 80 years. What attracted us back then was the homely feel, a large secure garden, characterful rooms and proximity to a lovely park right next door.
Today over 1200 children have attended our nursery, and we'd like to think what attracted us then has remained true today. Whilst the house provides a lovely backdrop to our nursery, it's our staff, many of whom have been with us since the beginning, who really make the difference. Most are qualified in childcare and education to level 3 and above, and over half of the team are parents themselves.
Today over 1200 children have attended our nursery, and we'd like to think what attracted us then has remained true today. Whilst the house provides a lovely backdrop to our nursery, it's our staff, many of whom have been with us since the beginning, who really make the difference. Most are qualified in childcare and education to level 3 and above, and over half of the team are parents themselves.
Play helps young children to learn and develop their physical, social, emotional and intellectual skills through doing and talking, which research has shown to be the means by which young children learn to think. It is also how they learn to socialise, as children engage in learning through play experiences with other children and adults.
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills. It reports directly to Parliament and is independent and impartial. Ofsted inspects and regulates services which care for children and young people from 0-18 years of age. All nurseries have to be registered and approved by Ofsted before they can begin to look after children.
Leadership & Management is fundamental to our success, which comes from the organisation and commitment of the management team. Our philosophy has always been one of open door management, relying on the co-operation and collaboration of our staffing team. The management team is supported by room leaders in charge of each age group who are responsible for implementing the nursery's curriculum and care plans for the children.
A successful nursery is combination of skilled and caring people with efficient and effective key policies. We acknowledge that our key policies and procedures are fundamental to ensuring we maintain the highest standards at all times. There are over 75 policies and procedures that govern the way we operate our nursery and these will be openly published to parents and Ofsted alike.
We recognise that a child's first impressions of the world begins at home and it is therefore vital that both the nursery and parents are working together. Parents are encouraged to share their ideas with us to help shape the service we offer to the children. We value the contributions made by parents and will actively seek a partnership through which the children will benefit by having continuous and consistent care.
Reviews (1)
Scott Heckle
Aug 06, 2016