I am excited and honoured to welcome everyone to Oakgrove Integrated Primary School and Nursery. Thank you for being part of the OIPSN community where we are committed to our mission statement 'Celebrating Diversity- Learning Together for Life.' We are a child-centred, all inclusive, integrated school that revolves around the achievement of each child's potential- academically, socially, physically and emotionally.

With a positive attitude and a sense of fun, we will create an enriched learning environment that is a safe and happy place for each child to achieve success. Our staff is dedicated, caring and professional. We are looking forward to working with the whole school community to help Oakgrove's pupils become active learners who are imaginative, inquisitive, innovative and creative.
At Oakgrove we want to build upon the learning that has taken place in the home. We want to provide children with a rich variety of challenging play activities and other experiences in a stimulating environment. The focus is to allow children to learn at their own pace, gain a positive image of themselves as learners and to be able to cope with new styles of learning.
Every child is important. We will plan together to meet their unique learning styles while encouraging each child to develop intellectually, personally, physically, socially, emotionally and at their own pace. We lay the foundations for successful Active Learning which is skills focused and age appropriate.
We hope you enjoy the games and activities that we have selected to help with literacy, numeracy and topic work. Keeping Safe in Water - this experiment can link to the use of life jackets helping you stay afloat. Living things need water - this experiment shows how plants/vegetables need water to help them survive.
Mrs Wilson, Miss McFeeley, Ms Bartlett, Mrs Rosborough, Mrs Hamilton, Miss Browne, Mrs Long & Ms Hassan are all looking forward to helping each of you grow and progress in Primary 4. We have a lovely year planned with lots of exciting activities. Below you will find some fun games to help with your Maths, Literacy and Topic work in Primary 4. We hope you enjoy them.
In Primary 5, we are so lucky! We are part of the Whole class Instrumental Programme which is delivered by the EA Music Service. Each child is given the opportunity to learn to play either the clarinet or the cornet and as this programme is funded by our school it is completely free of charge! This is an amazing opportunity for the children and is great fun!
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