If you need someone to talk to, you can call, message or email and we'll support you during opening hours. If you need someone to talk to, our phone, text and WhatsApp lines are open between 12-5pm Monday to Friday and 10am-1pm on Saturdays. Outside of our opening hours please leave a voicemail or email. We aim to get back to you within 24 hours*.
We owe so much to our Founding Patrons, Maggie Hunter and Dr Graham Petrie. They ensured the establishment of Centre 33 in 1981 and laid the groundwork for the young person-centred organisation we still are. Maggie Hunter was appointed as our first Director in 1980 to set up a Young People's Counselling Service in Cambridge (funded by Save the Children Fund).
Centre 33 is an equal opportunities employer. We're keen to encourage applications from a diverse range of people including black and ethnic minorities, LGBT+ communities, all age groups, religions and genders and those with disabilities. Get in touch - we want to hear from you! We take data protection very seriously.
Save the Children funded our first worker and she quickly recruited a team of volunteers to offer counselling, advice and support to meet the needs of young people in Cambridge. It was to be a warm and welcoming space for young people where they could come and be listened to without judgement. All the services were to be free and confidential.
At Centre 33 we believe that all young people have a right to be listened to, and to influence or make the decisions which affect your lives. This means that we give you the opportunity to express your opinions about what we do, and that we are willing and able to take action and make changes as a result of what you say.
Centre 33 was founded in 1981 and over the last 40 years we have supported thousands of young people with their mental health and wellbeing and any other issues they come to us with. We couldn't carry out our work without the generous support of our donors, funders, fundraisers and volunteers. We thank all of you.
Reviews (2)
Sarah Mcghie
Feb 14, 2020
Micah Hill
Jul 11, 2018
Really friendly cannot express my love for this team and the help and assistance I have been able to receive here.
One of the few places I feel safe and supported a free space I can share worries and feelings without being judged or feeling shame or reproach.
Provide hot drinks, WiFi, computer access and a plethora of leaflets on so many struggles so many young people deal with.
All in all such a loving team devoting their time and energy to helping the youths and young adults of Cambridgeshire.
One of the few places I feel safe and supported a free space I can share worries and feelings without being judged or feeling shame or reproach.
Provide hot drinks, WiFi, computer access and a plethora of leaflets on so many struggles so many young people deal with.
All in all such a loving team devoting their time and energy to helping the youths and young adults of Cambridgeshire.