We are situated in Tottenham in the London Borough of Haringey, close to Bruce Castle Park and Bruce Castle Museum, on The Roundway. The school is a three form entry Primary School with an Early Years Foundation Stage which comprises Reception and Nursery Classes and a 2 year old provision. We serve a very diverse community and our school population, pupils and staff, reflects our community; pupils refer to our school as a "Rainbow School".
Our children speak over 40 different languages and come from a range of cultures, religions and backgrounds, which we respect and value. It is a happy and stimulating learning environment where every child is encouraged and supported to achieve their very best. You will find lots of information on our website, but please feel free to either visit or call the School Office if you have any questions.
Our children speak over 40 different languages and come from a range of cultures, religions and backgrounds, which we respect and value. It is a happy and stimulating learning environment where every child is encouraged and supported to achieve their very best. You will find lots of information on our website, but please feel free to either visit or call the School Office if you have any questions.
This is available for download from the Haringey admissions page. Admissions will offer your child a place when one becomes available. The school will then invite you for an admissions meeting and arrange a start date for your child. Haringey Council allocate Reception places - further details available from the Haringey admissions page.
Risley Avenue Primary School provides an excellent education and a fantastic range of ex-curricula activities to all its pupils. The school is a focal point for the diverse local community and is supported by an active and engaged Governing body. There is an excellent working relationship between the governors, parents and staff who all share an ambitious vision for the school and are committed to achieving it.
This following applies to all maintained schools including special schools and pupil referral units. It also covers academies, city technology colleges, city colleges for the technology of the arts and some non-maintained special schools in England. We inspect schools to provide information to parents, to promote improvement and to hold schools to account for the public money they receive.
We aim to support and challenge every pupil in order to prepare him or her for the wider world. At Risley, we follow the Power of Reading approach. This underpins the teaching of English with quality literature and offers opportunities for writing across all subjects.
This tried and tested approach provides ideas, inspiration and structure for our literacy curriculum, raises literacy standards and develops a love of reading and writing across all key stages.We aim to make Maths exciting for our pupils by ensuring they have access to a high quality curriculum that is both challenging and enjoyable.
This tried and tested approach provides ideas, inspiration and structure for our literacy curriculum, raises literacy standards and develops a love of reading and writing across all key stages.We aim to make Maths exciting for our pupils by ensuring they have access to a high quality curriculum that is both challenging and enjoyable.
This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education if local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home. A pupil's first day or two of being educated remotely might look different from our standard approach, while we take all necessary actions to prepare for a longer period of remote teaching.