A very warm welcome to Glendermott Primary School and Nursery Unit, serving the Parish of Ardmore, Derry. We pride ourselves on our warm and friendly, family ethos where every child is known individually by all staff. We promote a caring environment where the child is central and parents are active partners in their child's learning journey.
Our staff team is fully committed to ensuring that every pupil achieves to their full potential, whatever their ability. Life at Glendermott is rich and varied, as pupils are encouraged to engage in a wide range of experiences to promote their overall development. We hope to develop our website to provide information to parents and children and to share some of the wonderful experiences and activities that take place in Glendermott.
Our staff team is fully committed to ensuring that every pupil achieves to their full potential, whatever their ability. Life at Glendermott is rich and varied, as pupils are encouraged to engage in a wide range of experiences to promote their overall development. We hope to develop our website to provide information to parents and children and to share some of the wonderful experiences and activities that take place in Glendermott.
As part of our Shared Education programme Y4 children and staff from Drumahoe P.S. joined us in Glendermott for a morning of W5 fun. All the staff and the children thoroughly enjoyed the morning, sharing the show together and taking turns to volunteer for the science experiments. After the show the children enjoyed a snack and some catch up time for a chat.
Primary 1 is always full of fun with new exciting topics to learn about. We still get to play like we did in the nursery but now we help our teacher decide what way we should be playing and learning. As we are now big P.1's we will begin the exciting journey of reading, writing and learning all about our numbers.
We always have a fun year in P2 filled with fun activities to help us learn. We like to help our teacher plan our play and activity based learning and we play loads of games to help us with our work. In Primary 2 we will be learning about lots of new and exciting things across the curriculum. Watch this space!
In Primary 3 pupils begin their first year in Key Stage 1. P3 is a year filled with fun activities from across the whole curriculum, helping to nurture and progress each individual child. Reading is sent home each day. Reading should be heard every evening at home and the reading record book should be signed.
Spellings, mental maths and activities are sent home on a Monday, these should be completed at home and should not be returned to school. Literacy We are following the Linguistic Phonics Programme and complete daily phonics lessons, we also complete Reading and Writing tasks. Numeracy We will be learning about Processes in Maths, Number, Data Handling, Measures and Shape and Space.
Reviews (1)
Catriona Mccausland
Nov 04, 2018