Together we'll get you started and feeling confident in building a practice that builds fitness, strength or flexibility in body and mind. A mindful physical practice can also help to train the mind: building self awareness and esteem, compassion and kindness too. Enjoy better relationships and a better state of mind (we all tend to get along better when we're happier in ourselves).
Learn to take time out for yourself in a meaningful and constructive way. If you're looking for private or public classes, or have any questions at all, please do get in touch. I offer free phone consultations without any pressure or obligation. As our lives become more mentally strenuous and the window in our day for physical movement often gets smaller and smaller the need for a focused and effective daily movement practice increases.
Learn to take time out for yourself in a meaningful and constructive way. If you're looking for private or public classes, or have any questions at all, please do get in touch. I offer free phone consultations without any pressure or obligation. As our lives become more mentally strenuous and the window in our day for physical movement often gets smaller and smaller the need for a focused and effective daily movement practice increases.
I'm passionate about sharing movement in a constructive, intelligent and nurturing way. My practice is different every day, it almost always includes breath work, strength work, a bit of a stretch and some rest.
I taught yoga from 2009, and am lucky enough to have completed several teacher trainings internationally, mentored by wonderful individuals including John Scott, Lucy Crawford, Daniel Aaron, Matthew Sanford, Uma Dinsmore-Tuli and Ana Forrest.More recently I have been inspired by the work of Michael Stone, Simon Borg Olivier and Kathryn Bruni Young, all of whom are huge inspirations to me in how I move and how I teach others to move now.
I taught yoga from 2009, and am lucky enough to have completed several teacher trainings internationally, mentored by wonderful individuals including John Scott, Lucy Crawford, Daniel Aaron, Matthew Sanford, Uma Dinsmore-Tuli and Ana Forrest.More recently I have been inspired by the work of Michael Stone, Simon Borg Olivier and Kathryn Bruni Young, all of whom are huge inspirations to me in how I move and how I teach others to move now.
The most well known part of the yoga practise in the western world is that of asana, the practice of performing physical postures. It is through these movements that we heal, strengthen and calm the physical body to a point where it no longer troubles us with ailments and pains in the way that we often identify with our bodies.
Yoga Therapy is taking the practice's therapeutic benefits and applying them to the individual's needs. During my career so far I have been approached by many clients who have come to try yoga because a friend, colleague or doctor has recommended it as something that could benefit an illness, injury or condition that they are currently working with.
She has a wonderful ability to nurture yoga practitioners in developing a safe but progressive yoga practice and many people at Stillpoint Yoga London have benefited from her light but firm approach. I would highly recommend studying with Laura.' Laura is a natural teacher, she spent a lot of time listening to me and my goals and structuring the sessions accordingly.
My main aim with private tuition is to listen to what you want from your time practising yoga, and then work with you to create an intelligent, practical and achievable practice, one that you understand and feel confident doing on your own. A little goes a long way with self practice, we needn't carve out 90 minutes 6 times a week, especially if you already feel that there aren't enough hours in the day.
Reviews (10)
Rebecca Levy
Sep 22, 2021
Lillie Dremeaux
Jun 21, 2021
Laura taught me a few private yoga lessons in summer 2020 when I was on holiday in Margate. I had begun practicing yoga via online classes and YouTube videos during lockdown, and this was my first (and only) private instruction. Laura was full of knowledge and ideas. She had specific suggestions for joint problems I've had in my shoulders and elbows my whole life. I continue to follow these a year later, both in yoga and in everyday movements. She provided feedback on foundational poses like plank that I put to use every time I practice. Finally, Laura encouraged me to use modifications to accommodate
Katherine Hannah
Sep 28, 2019
If you want to connect with your body this is a class for you. Laura is a genius at slowing things down while keeping them fun and playful, isolating movements in a way that you can actually feel what’s going on and understand how your body works. She shares deep knowledge in an accessible and engaging way, encourages us to be curious and look deep while keeping things light hearted! Practicing with Laura has been a revaluation for me, and I’ve had many yoga changing experiences with her!
Sarah Nurgat
Jul 19, 2019
Laura has been my yoga teacher since 2013. I didn't know anything about yoga before then but once I started, I kept going back! Her Mysore style of teaching is empowering as it means you can work through poses at your own pace during classes and practice by yourself, wherever you want. She is an exceptionally knowledgeable, warm and patient teacher - she makes sure your practice works for you and your specific needs, rather than pushing you through sequences. I highly recommend her classes.
Ruthie Holloway
Nov 10, 2018
Scott Arnott
Nov 16, 2017
I met Laura when I started practicing at Stillpoint Yoga in London. The Yoga has been transformative and Laura's approach of listening to the person and their body, whilst applying her extensive knowledge, explaining the method and rationale behind the asana has been incredible. I am grateful to be taught by her, and have no hesitation recommending Laura to anyone else looking to continue to develop their practice.
Dm Ooi
Oct 12, 2017
Practising yoga with Laura has taught me to take ownership of my practice. I had been doing yoga for a few years before, and could follow along in class but engaging with my practice at home was difficult. Laura's clear instructions, focus on individual student's ability has supported me in learning the sequence for myself and it did become my own!
Thank you, Laura.
Thank you, Laura.
Anna McGarry
Oct 03, 2017
Laura was my yoga teacher for almost two years. She taught me ashtanga yoga the Mysore way and now I confidently practise at home. Although I had to move away, Laura taught me so well that I still remember every pose and the whole sequence. Mysore is the best way to learn yoga in my opinion if you want a strong personal practice. Laura is an amazing teacher. I was gutted when I had to stop going. I totally recommend yoga with Laura.
Isla M.
Sep 10, 2017
Laura has taught me to experience yoga in a way that's benefited me greatly. I've done years of yoga but never got so much from a class or teacher. The ashtanga practice takes time to get to grips with but has been well worth it. Laura is incredibly knowledgeable but passes this on in way that feels so tangible and about 'you'. I'd recommend her to anyone and just wish she wasn't leaving London! She's wonderful.
Amy Fowler
Jun 27, 2017
Laura is a wonderful tutor - patient, calm and kind. She is a fountain of knowledge of yoga and the biomechanics of the body and applies that knowledge in a very therapeutic and supportive way. Laura also 'walks her talk' which I think is hugely important in a teacher, particularly in yoga. She is a very dedicated practitioner and so knows how to deliver the information in a way that is supportive to every stage of the learning process. Laura played a huge part in my discovering Ashtanga yoga, which I now practice daily and has been very transformative for me, so I couldn't be more grateful for