See HERE for details. The school is assessed by SIAMS - the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools. You can read our 2017 SIAMS report here. Very few primary schools have their own music teacher and at Bloxham we are one of those lucky few. Every child has an opportunity to learn music and try an instrument while with us and we hope you will join our celebration of the magic of music and performance this year at school.
Excellence in Teaching and Learning: An excellent teacher is creative and flexible. An excellent learner is not afraid of taking risks. Our teachers inspire inquisitive young minds by having thorough subject knowledge and a deep understanding of how each child learns. They celebrate success as well as being able to identify improvements that can be made and to make them.
Children are admitted into school in accordance with Oxfordshire County Council admissions arrangements which are published on the County Council website here. We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our pupils so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere.
KS1 (years 1 and 2) children come into school with their parents when they arrive at school in the morning. We ask that children are not on the school premises before 8.40 a.m. and no later than 3.30 p.m. as we cannot accept responsibility for children outside of these times. Children should enter school through the playground entrance, not the front door.
Bloxham Primary School is proud to offer to all our children our wonderful wraparound care scheme from 8am-6.00pm daily during term time in our purpose built modern facility. Our Before and After School Care Team are very popular with parents and children alike, and offer a wide variety of activities for the children to take part in during their time with us.
After completing my BEd Hons degree in English at Westminster College, Oxford in 1999, I returned home to Kent to begin my teaching career with a wonderful class of Year 1 children. In 2001, I began my teaching journey at Bloxham Primary School as both a Year 2 teacher and English leader. Since then, I have taught children in every year group, from Foundation Stage right through to Year 6.
Reviews (2)
Nov 07, 2017
Jon Charter
Aug 09, 2017
My son attends this school and I can confidently say that it is fantastic. The staff are all extremely invested in the future of the children and do an exceptional job of making it a safe and fun place for them to attend. In addition to the schools own merits, it also feeds into the Warriner (also in Bloxham), which many would is is one of, if not the best schools in the area.