Our website contains information about many aspects of school life - we hope you find it interesting, useful and fun! We are all very proud of our school and we have high expectations of ourselves and of all the children. We are an active learning community where positive approaches to learning and improvement sit at the heart of everything we do.
Our vision is to provide a stimulating and caring learning community which fosters individual responsibility and mutual respect. Provide an education that builds on the strengths and talents of every member of our school ensuring that each feels valued, safe and cared for. Provide a broad balanced and stimulating curriculum, which seeks to raise standards of all pupils regardless of gender, race, culture or ability.
Hello, my name is John Horan and I am the Chair of Governors here at Belmont school. Our Governors are all volunteers and we are probably part of one of the largest volunteer forces in the country. We strive to promote school improvement and support Mr Davidson and the staff of the school in their work.
No special qualifications are required however you must be a legal resident in the UK and over 18 years of age. Community Governor - A person appointed as a governor whom the Governing Body considers to be committed to the good government and success of the school. This person may or may not live or work in the community served by the school.
We are very proud to share with you comments made by parents and visitors to the school as well as from educators, authors and artists with whom we have shared our children's learning. You and your staff have always encouraged our daughter to be the best that she can be, whilst recognising the important values of friendship, courtesy and doing the right thing.
Full details of how to apply for a place can be found on the Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) website. The preferred method for applying for a Reception place is online via the LCC site. You can also apply by telephoning the LCC Customer Service Centre on 01522 782030. Alternatively you can request a paper application using the same number.
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