At Aughton St Michael's we value the importance of our community's physical and mental wellbeing, please help us raise funds to build a running track so that we can enjoy the benefits of running all year round. Aughton St Michael's is a small school within the village of Aughton, an area where the vast majority of our children reside.
Our school provides a caring, happy and friendly Christian environment in which all of our children are seen as special and unique. We are committed to providing the best possible education to every child in our care, through which they can achieve their potential as individuals. The strong Christian ethos of St Michael's ensures our children feel part of our school family, in which they matter.
Our school provides a caring, happy and friendly Christian environment in which all of our children are seen as special and unique. We are committed to providing the best possible education to every child in our care, through which they can achieve their potential as individuals. The strong Christian ethos of St Michael's ensures our children feel part of our school family, in which they matter.
Enjoying books and reading stories from a very early age is crucial in the development of children. It helps with their ability to understand words, use their imagination, and develop their speech, as well as being something they really enjoy. Your child will have a reading diary and a reading book, these will be changed weekly.
As we start a new academic year I would like to share with you some very useful information. Working with your child this year will be myself, Mrs Gordon and Mrs Judge, who will be our TA. On Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, Mrs Hesketh, an HLTA will be covering the class, teaching a number of different lessons such as PSHE, RE and art.
Our topic for this half term is Forest School and 'Around and About' which is a study of our local area. Our school behaviour chart has changed this year. To celebrate good behaviour the children will receive stickers for showing kindness, resilience, independence, koinonia, honesty, communication and enquiry.
It has been lovely to welcome the children back to school and we've had a great time thinking about the 'Power of Yet' and having a 'Growth Mindset' by reading 'The Dot' and creating our own Kandinsky inspired collaborative art. Now the hard work begins. During Autumn, in English we will be looking at fables and shape poetry.
To help with practicing their times tables, these 2 websites are set up in a very similar way to the actual test. Once your child is confident you always try decreasing the time you give them - or challenge them yourself to see who is the fastest! There is a parent information sheet uploaded below on how and why the test is administrated.
Reviews (2)
Mike Mc Fall
Aug 10, 2019
This school is discriminatory. My son attended here in 2010 and he had dyslexia. The school failed to support him, and we had to move him to Christchuch. He was one of around 7 families with some learning issues who moved their children from the school. The current roll appears to have no children with SEN. By ridding themselves of the SEN children they can maintain good school results and avoid an ofsted since 2009. I would suggest it is quite vile.
Glen Collinson
Jul 31, 2016