Keep up to date with the latest school news and events, all through your smartphone or tablet. Second hand uniform - in good condition, is now available free of charge, through our 'uniform swap system. Further information will be posted on the SCHOOL UNIFORM page in the PARENT AND CARER section of the website. It's been a busy summer break - We're just waiting to finish the final touches to the Ocean Cafe - only the name to add!
Bournehall Primary is a one form entry school with a close family atmosphere - providing a supportive environment in which our children develop a real love of learning and respect for one another. Through our website, we hope to give you an overview of our school, an insight into daily life here and to keep you up to date with exciting news and other important information.
We believe that there is 'no limit to learning'. We are committed to the provision of high quality education, within a secure, happy and stimulating environment where every member of the school community is valued and encouraged to learn and develop the knowledge and skills for lifelong learning.
We actively promote the values and ethics that shape our children's spiritual, moral, social and cultural perspectives through our values curriculum and our commitment to the United Nations Rights of the Child.
We actively promote the values and ethics that shape our children's spiritual, moral, social and cultural perspectives through our values curriculum and our commitment to the United Nations Rights of the Child.
A governing body consists of a group of people from the local community, from all walks of life, who bring with them different viewpoints, experiences, knowledge, skills and ideas.
They may be parents, staff at the school, local residents or representatives of local businesses, who work together as a team, with the headteacher and the leadership team to make sure the school provides their children with the best possible education - and constantly strives to improve.School governors are a vital part of the leadership of their school.
They may be parents, staff at the school, local residents or representatives of local businesses, who work together as a team, with the headteacher and the leadership team to make sure the school provides their children with the best possible education - and constantly strives to improve.School governors are a vital part of the leadership of their school.
We are delighted that our children will be once again be taking on their valuable roles and responsibilities. Look out for their news! Our Ambassadors take great pride in greeting visitors and giving them a guided tour of our school. Sharing their knowledge of their school, they give visitors a real insight into children's experiences of life at Bournehall.
Each Tuesday, children meet in their 'house' groups - Jupiter, Mars, Neptune and Saturn. Year 6 house captains lead a themed discussion, which maybe about current global, national, local or school based issues. A circle game opens each session, after which national and international news items are discussed.
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