After 175 years of history, learning and laughter we will close our doors for the last time. Thank you to our children, families, staff, Governors and friends who have been part of our amazing school community. We wish our neighbours at Overleigh St Mary's CE Primary School every success as they open a new nursery class provision in September.
We are a Maintained Nursery School and are part of the Chester West and Chester Local Authority. You'll find us in Handbridge between Overleigh St. Mary's CE Primary and Chester Catholic High School. We are a separate school with our own headteacher and Governing Body; we are neither part of the Primary School nor the High School.
The Headteacher and Governors at St Mary's Community Nursery School have developed an admission policy for the school. New children are admitted in September for 3 terms. If places are available it may be possible for children to attend for more than 3 terms with a January admission. On occasions places may be available at the start of the Summer Term in April.
At St Mary's we have a broad and well-balanced curriculum. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The EYFS is a nought to five early years curriculum and so continues when your child transfers to the Reception Year at Primary School. There are seven areas of learning and development that must shape educational programmes in all early years settings.
St. Mary's Community Nursery School welcomes all children into our school regardless of ability. If you have any concerns about your child please discuss them with a member of staff before you child starts school. You can contact the school SENCO (the person who ensures that the school meets the needs of all) through the school office and make an appointment, or let us know at the pre-entry meeting.
Early Years Pupil Premium is extra funding paid to early years providers to improve outcomes for eligible children. 5 children were eligible for EYPP of these 2 were with us for part of the year and consequently had an adjusted claim. This funding is used to help enhance the quality of our early education and enable these specific children to benefit and fully access all areas of the curriculum.
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