Osteo and Physio exists to make your quality of life better by improving your comfort and freedom to move. This enables you to get on with things more easily, to relax in comfort with peace of mind about your back and joints. The reason we do this is because there is such a need for it. 80% of people suffer from significant lower back pain at some point in their lives, not to mention discomfort and stiffness in the neck, shoulders and joints.
Often, having tried a solution that just doesn't work people decide to put up with a life of pain and diminished ability. Things can be different, at Osteo and Physio 87% of our patients report that their pain improves by at least 80-90% after 5 or less treatments. Each Physiotherapist completed a 3-year degree with additional supervised clinical training.
Often, having tried a solution that just doesn't work people decide to put up with a life of pain and diminished ability. Things can be different, at Osteo and Physio 87% of our patients report that their pain improves by at least 80-90% after 5 or less treatments. Each Physiotherapist completed a 3-year degree with additional supervised clinical training.
When you visit us there are certain things that you may find reassuring about the way we will welcome you and treat you every time you have an appointment. Your experience at the clinic is so important to us that we have taken the unusual step of offering a money back guarantee that underpins this pledge, because we only want you to pay when you are completely satisfied.
Osteo and Physio is the fastest growing association of manual therapy clinics in the UK and the first to offer Franchising as an opportunity for Osteopaths wanting to fast track their career to clinic ownership and principal status. Our success is founded on compassion for our patients, nurturing of our practitioners and attention to detail in the management and organisation of our clinics.
Osteo and Physio was founded in 2008 by clinic director Jonathan Boxall, whose belief in the model has been such that he has put significant personal and financial investment into the business, re-mortgaging his house and investing in technology, legal consultancy and obtaining advice from leading industry specialists.
Low back pain is certainly the most common symptom that we treat in the practice. It is highly likely that you will have either suffered from an episode of back pain or know someone that has, it is estimated that 80% of adults will experience back pain at some point in their life.
The spinal column is a marvel of evolution, 24 movable bones, 50 facet joints, 23 intervertebral discs and nerves that run to and from it that supply the rest of the body.It provides protection to a part of our central nervous system, the spinal cord, yet allows movement to occur enabling us to walk, run, jump and climb.
The spinal column is a marvel of evolution, 24 movable bones, 50 facet joints, 23 intervertebral discs and nerves that run to and from it that supply the rest of the body.It provides protection to a part of our central nervous system, the spinal cord, yet allows movement to occur enabling us to walk, run, jump and climb.
Neck pain can occur because of an injury, a mechanical or muscular problem, a trapped nerve caused by a bulge in one of the discs between the vertebrae or from arthritis of the neck. If you are suffering from neck pain then it is likely that your posture has a role to play in your discomfort. The spine from your neck to your low back is made up of 24 moveable vertebrae stacked one on top of the other.
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