Please look at the 'Joining Our School' pages for more information. Dunchurch Infant School & Nursery is situated on the edge of Rugby, in Warwickshire. Children can join our Nursery from the start of the term in which they turn three. When they are older, children join one of our two Reception classes and stay with us until the end of Year 2. We also offer before and after-school care and a holiday club.
We understand what an important decision the choice of school or nursery is for a parent, especially for such young children, so we aim to provide a caring environment where children enjoy their education and achieve well. For more about our approach to education, please see 'Our Promises' which sets out our commitment to all of our children.
We understand what an important decision the choice of school or nursery is for a parent, especially for such young children, so we aim to provide a caring environment where children enjoy their education and achieve well. For more about our approach to education, please see 'Our Promises' which sets out our commitment to all of our children.
At our school, due to the young age of the children, we have decided to articulate our vision as 'promises'. In reading children will be immersed in inspiring books which support the whole curriculum. Our children will develop high standards of oracy and a wide ranging vocabulary through a language rich environment including storytelling and theatre.
The following is designed to help your child learn in the vital area of phonics. Some of the information follows the structure of the 'Letters and Sounds' phonics scheme, which we use at Dunchurch Infant School. The scheme is split into phases. Your child's teacher regularly assesses their progress and will share this information with you.
To get the most out of it, you will need to know which graphemes your child has been learning during the week, or will be learning next week. You can find this information in our weekly newsletter. This is emailed out to parents each Friday or can be downloaded here. The links are to external websites, so please email the school if any links are broken.
Handwriting boards and pens as well as ideas for practical maths at home, with further ideas in the Newsletters throughout the year. Some parents have said they would like additional homework tasks relating to topics. This will take the form of a book with activities for children in Year 2 from which the child can choose.
Dunchurch Infant School and Nursery's PTA is a voluntary organisation which aims to involve parents in school life, fund raising and other activities. All parents are automatically PTA members and are welcome to attend meetings, which are advertised in the school's newsletter and calendar. An extra pair of hands is always welcome at PTA events, even if you cannot attend the meetings.
Reviews (1)
Jun 07, 2021