Welcome to Apley Wood School, find out what's important to us and take a look around our school. Through our effective curriculum we aim to equip each child with the skills they need for lifelong learning. Find out more about our curriculum subjects, after school clubs and how we help learners of all abilities.
This website has been developed to help you understand the organisation of our school and its aims. We are all striving towards the same goal, seeking to meet the best interests of the individual children in our care. We aim to create a safe, nurturing environment for learning whilst offering a creative, exciting and challenging curriculum designed to 'feed the mind and free the imagination' for all pupils.
We believe that learning should be fun, purposeful and challenging. Through our effective curriculum we aim to equip each child with the skills they need for lifelong learning. We aim to develop confident learners, who take ownership of their learning are proud of their achievements and are well prepared for life in modern Britain.
At Apley Wood School we have wonderful facilities to accommodate the many learning activities and adventures that we have with the children. Our school building comprises well equipped classrooms, an extensive library, school hall with kitchens where dinners are cooked on site and many other areas that we make good use of during each school day.
We are very proud of our school and welcome prospective parents to come and visit us first hand to see the work that we do here. Welcome to Apley Wood School, find out what's important to us and take a look around our school. Find out more about our curriculum subjects, after school clubs and how we help learners of all abilities.
At Apley Wood Primary School, we like to work closely with parents, carers and the local community to ensure that every child is provided with everything they need to succeed at school. If you feel there are any issues we should be made aware of, or there is anything you would like to discuss with us, please do not hesitate to contact the school office and book an appointment with an appropriate member of staff.