Brilliant first game back for @LFC today and lovely to see our Evolution Chairman @RobjonesLFC2 in today's Match pr. Wishing the amazing @SueJones19 tons and tons of Happy Birthday wishes We hope you are having an amazing. Being creative, making marks and using tools and equipment to develop our grasp, hand eye coordination and imaginat.
Wishing all the wonderful Dad's and Father figures out there a very Happy Father's Day #fathersday2021 #FathersDay. Because smiling is infectious we thought we'd share a few this Friday afternoon #Smilers #HappyFriday #Happiness. WE ARE RECRUITING For more details call : @ Kalgarth Grange: 01925 816888 @ The Abbey: 01606 539000 @ Willow.
Wishing all the wonderful Dad's and Father figures out there a very Happy Father's Day #fathersday2021 #FathersDay. Because smiling is infectious we thought we'd share a few this Friday afternoon #Smilers #HappyFriday #Happiness. WE ARE RECRUITING For more details call : @ Kalgarth Grange: 01925 816888 @ The Abbey: 01606 539000 @ Willow.
There are a million reasons why so many Parents join Evolution Childcare as their chosen provider to love cherish and nurture their beloved child. Here are just a few of the reasons we welcome you to join us and become part of our Evolution Nursery Family. We are committed to investing in our Staff's Professional and Personal Development, their Health and their Wellbeing.
Evolution Childcare was established 18 years ago by an experienced management team, dedicated to providing high quality childcare for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years. The proprietors Rob Jones and Sue Jones have considerable experience working with and educating children and this has been their driving factor when entering the Early Years Sector.
Spend 3,276 hours applying make-up, having a shower and getting dressed. Unless you are Anne who skips this and uses the hours gained for domino competitions and dog rehoming!. Spend a whopping 99,117hrs at work - That's the equivalent of 11 and a half years of solid slog!. Spend 366 days off sick - apart from Kerry who refuses point blank to EVER admit defeat to bugs!.
From the board room to the baby room, our staff across the board are enthusiastic, motivated and committed with a desire to deliver Quality Early Years Care and Education.
We are proud to be accredited by Investors In People for recognising the importance of our staff and their development, and we were thrilled to be awarded Nursery Management Today Training and Development Award along with Warrington Business of the Year Award for training and development.
We are proud to be accredited by Investors In People for recognising the importance of our staff and their development, and we were thrilled to be awarded Nursery Management Today Training and Development Award along with Warrington Business of the Year Award for training and development.
Evolution Childcare Nurseries are regularly evaluated and inspected by experts in our profession and are proud to have achieved numerous awards, accolades and accreditations that reflect our passion for delivering quality childcare. 2019 Runner Up for Personality Of The Year Award at the National Nursery Recognition Awards - Leanne, The Stables.