Smartypants Exclusive Childcare children's nursery Nelson recently received a glowing review from Ofsted where the overall rating was Outstanding. Some of the key statements in the report focused on how the "partnership with parents is superb" and that "planning and assessments are precise, sharply focused on each child's needs".
Smartypants is spread across two sites, one of which is a specialist building for babies and toddlers up to 32 months, the other is a refurbished primary school building with expertly designed interiors that encourage children thrive until they start school. Both premises have large, well equipped outdoor play areas and multi-activity themed indoor rooms.
Smartypants is spread across two sites, one of which is a specialist building for babies and toddlers up to 32 months, the other is a refurbished primary school building with expertly designed interiors that encourage children thrive until they start school. Both premises have large, well equipped outdoor play areas and multi-activity themed indoor rooms.
We have adequate parking to the front of both nurseries which both have wheelchair access. As one of the nurseries is in a converted house, we are on two levels (0-2 1/2 years). We would always try to accommodate any mobility needs to the best way we could, however a disabled toilet is not available.
Provide the very best care in an extremely home-like environment. We believe this is only achieved by employing highly qualified and professional staff with a desire to care for children as they would their own. Many of whom are mums and dads themselves. Stimulate and nurture children's individual development through sensitive and appropriate interactions that promote children's self esteem.
We have recently expanded and refurbished our baby unit resulting in the whole of the ground floor being transformed for our babies. We are based in a converted house which has an amazing home from home experience. We have excellent dedicated staff working with the babies, who have suitable training and experienced in caring for such young children.
We are one of the most competitively priced nurseries in our area, with a 10% discount for siblings. We offer flexibility by providing a variety of session times, for example short sessions are charged at an hourly rate whereas full time fees are fully inclusive of all meals and snacks. Smartypants operates all year round but we also offer the flexibility for parents to bring their child on a term time only basis.
We employ a highly experience qualified cook who prepares children's meals using fresh produce daily. The DFE has recently released new legislation for Early Years providers on what is expected in regards to the food and drink we provide for our children daily. Our chef incorporates all the relevant guidelines into our menus to ensure the children are receiving the correct diet and nutrients.
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