The Farmhouse Nursery School is located on Church Green in the centre of Witney. It is set in a beautiful historic 16th Century Grade II* listed house which offers a spacious and delightful setting for our nursery. Each child has the opportunity to thrive in our warm and family-like environment. Our minimum requirement is three sessions per week.
We invite all prospective parents to book in for a visit to Nursery by contacting our Team Manager, Jess Bowerman on 01993 700797. Staff are kind, caring and committed to their roles. They help children to settle extraordinarily quickly and they tailor learning to meet children's individual needs. Friends of the Farmhouse meet regularly to bring together parent/carers of children for the common goal of supporting The Farmhouse Nursery School.
We invite all prospective parents to book in for a visit to Nursery by contacting our Team Manager, Jess Bowerman on 01993 700797. Staff are kind, caring and committed to their roles. They help children to settle extraordinarily quickly and they tailor learning to meet children's individual needs. Friends of the Farmhouse meet regularly to bring together parent/carers of children for the common goal of supporting The Farmhouse Nursery School.
To actively promote the development of positive self-image in each child, and foster physical, social, emotional, intellectual, cultural and moral growth. To work as partners with parents/carers in an open and honest way and encourage their input on all aspects of running of the Nursery. To create a non-sexist atmosphere by introducing appropriate toys and activities to encourage opportunities and development of both genders.
It is set in a beautiful historic 16th Century Grade II* listed house which offers a spacious and delightful setting for our Nursery. Each child has the opportunity to thrive in our warm and family-like environment. Our policies and procedures are available to access at all times in the Nursery, including Safeguarding, Equal opportunities and Special Educational Needs.
Leaders are exceptionally passionate about providing excellent outcomes for children. They are extremely reflective and proactive in identifying improvements and making changes to consistently raise the quality of the provision. Children thrive in the Nursery, enjoying an abundance of exciting and challenging play and learning experiences.
Friends of the Farmhouse meet regularly to bring together parent/carers of children for the common goal of supporting The Farmhouse Nursery School. We raise funds for extra resources and family events. You do not need to attend every meeting or every event - any amount of support would be greatly appreciated.
Our Nursery believes that parents are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their individual needs and wishes. We hope that at all times you will be happy with the service provided and that you might like to voice your appreciation to the staff concerned.
Our Nursery takes great care to treat each individual as a person in their own right, with equal rights and responsibilities to any other individual, whether they are an adult or a child.We believe that in order for children to receive quality care and early learning that suits their individual needs, parents and staff need to work together in a close partnership.
Our Nursery takes great care to treat each individual as a person in their own right, with equal rights and responsibilities to any other individual, whether they are an adult or a child.We believe that in order for children to receive quality care and early learning that suits their individual needs, parents and staff need to work together in a close partnership.
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