We are a private day nursey in Bradford, Low Moor. We aim to provide a happy, safe, secure, stimulating and welcoming environment for your child where he or she can gain confidence and explore the many activities and experiences that are provided by our nursery. We aim to provide practice of all the skill necessary for your child to reach his or her fullest potential in all areas of the Early Learning Goals.
All staff are fully trained and each aim to provide stimulating experiences & activities in a homely environment. Rainbow House aims to provide a loving, caring and stimulating environment for all children. We work alongside parents/carers in order to provide the best care for your child. Ensuring that individual needs are met at all times.
We offer discounts on child places at the nursery for people working in the emergency services. We are able to offer free nursery places with the Government funded scheme at Rainbow House. These places are offered to all 3 and 4 year olds. The sessions become available the term after your childs 3rd Birthday.
Each child has a learning journey which follows them on their journey throughout their time with us at Rainbow House. The learning journey is a very important document and is used to observe and to track each child's development throughout the EYFS. Throughout each day your child's key worker will observe your child in their development.
Learning to work, play and co-ordinate with others as a group beyond the family. This involves personal, social, moral and spiritual development as well as building self confidence and self esteem. Friendships do develop during these Early Years both with children and adults. We focus on your child's communication skills encouraging them to express themselves through a variety of ways in communicating.
All staff are fully trained and each aim to provide stimulating experiences & activities in a homely environment. We aim to follow your child's daily routine to help him or her to settle in as quickly as possible and feel secure. Each day your baby will go home with a daily record sheet so that you can see exactly how he or she has spent the day and what they had to eat and drink.