On behalf of all the children, staff and Governors I'd like to warmly welcome you to the Oakmeadow CE Primary & Nursery School website. At Oakmeadow we are very proud of our pupils, our staff and the positive atmosphere they create. It is a school based on kindness, trust, love, integrity, team work and respect and this ethos enables pupils of all abilities to thrive at our school.
We work hard all through the year in our charity fundraising so we can actively contribute to our wider community and daily we reflect in our assemblies and worship how we can continue to improve ourselves and our world. Christian values run as a thread through our learning and teaching and collective worship forms an important part of our daily life.
We work hard all through the year in our charity fundraising so we can actively contribute to our wider community and daily we reflect in our assemblies and worship how we can continue to improve ourselves and our world. Christian values run as a thread through our learning and teaching and collective worship forms an important part of our daily life.
At Oakmeadow, we aim to promote a love of history through developing the children's skills as historians as well as a broad knowledge base. We will equip pupils to be able to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspectives and judgement. History should inspire pupils' curiosity to know more about the past and how this links with the world today - both in the local community and the wider world.
Fundamental to our ethos at Oakmeadow is that children who are part of our school community are offered an education that embraces excellence and achievement within the wider framework of spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, moral and social development. We believe that spiritual development is not something we can define solely through our curriculum of RE or PSHE or even through SMSC.
Our topic this half term is 'Food Glorious Food' where we will be focusing on the story 'Handa's Surprise' by Eileen Browne. Here our focus will be on exploring Handa's fruits, the animals in the story and Handa's community. We will this take the opportunity to work on developing the children's understanding of the world.
Phoneme mats have been sent home to support the 'Letters and Sounds' phonetic learning the children will receive at school. Children should aim to read 10 minutes every evening at home and this should be recorded in their individual reading diaries. Children's work and important class announcements will be uploaded onto the seesaw platform.
Dragonflies class is one of our two Year 2 classes, where our children are in their final year of Key Stage 1. During Year two, we aim to support the development of independence both academically and personally. These are the building blocks for future learning and we value the support of parents to help develop fluency in reading, number bonds and times tables facts.
Reviews (2)
Michaela Cox
Sep 08, 2018
I moved my child as a previous school didn't have a clue about how to care for my sons needs , moving to Oakmeadow has made a massive positive difference to my child's learning and that is down to the teachers and teaching assistants he sees on a day to day basis. Best thing i ever did was to move him here.
Mr. M. B.
Jul 21, 2017