Currently there are 110 children on roll. We operate four teaching groups, each named after the classes in the Harry Potter series. Each class is supported by a Teaching Assistant. We are in a federation with two other schools: Pillowell Primary School and Walmore Hill Primary School. Mr Stevenson is the Head Teacher of all three schools and the three schools work closely with each other.
I hope you will find the information here on our website an interesting and useful read. It should provide you with a flavour about our school community. We are very proud of our School's reputation within the local area for both ensuring that academic potential is fulfilled and for making a valuable contribution to the community.
I hope you will find the information here on our website an interesting and useful read. It should provide you with a flavour about our school community. We are very proud of our School's reputation within the local area for both ensuring that academic potential is fulfilled and for making a valuable contribution to the community.
If you have children in different classes, please use the entrance for your younger child. If you have children who have different timings, they will both need to start at the earlier time (08.40) and both will finish at the later time (3.15). This is in order to safeguard losing any more learning time.
At Blakeney School, all pupils are welcome to try some of our delicious school meals. The ingredients are as fresh as can be, and the dishes are designed to offer the children a nutritious and balanced diet. If your child is to have a school meal, they are always given a choice of meal. The children make this selection daily, as part of the registration.
From September the children will need their full school uniform to be worn each day, except for the days that they have PE. On those particular days they may wear their PE kit. This is similar to the current arrangements. Usually the children have PE twice a week. However, we would like to re-emphasise the need for PE Kit requirements.
The Internet, E-Mail, Social Networking, Smart Phones, iPads. They offer many incredible opportunities to expand our knowledge about the World around us and to communicate with each other. As a school we use these facilities all the time. But it is important that we all, children, parents, friends, relatives and teachers know how to use information technology effectively and safely.
The latest "Families Gloucestershire" is HERE. We are delighted that our school has been given the opportunity to take part in a new, national programme to help make mental health support for children and young people more available when they need it. We are one of 72 schools from Cheltenham, Gloucester and the Forest of Dean to work with the NHS in Gloucestershire to introduce Mental Health Support Teams into schools.
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