On behalf of all the staff, children, parents and governors I would like to warmly welcome you to Preston Primary School and to our school website. My name is Mrs Terri Coates and I have the enormous pleasure and privilege to be the Headteacher here at Preston Primary School. Preston is a friendly and popular school with around 200 pupils; we are very proud of the reputation that it enjoys locally.
The school is a very happy place and has some wonderful facilities including super outdoor areas for learning, playing and taking part in a variety of sports. Our curriculum provides a good balance between academic, social and personal achievement, with opportunities for music, drama, art and sport at the centre of school life.
The school is a very happy place and has some wonderful facilities including super outdoor areas for learning, playing and taking part in a variety of sports. Our curriculum provides a good balance between academic, social and personal achievement, with opportunities for music, drama, art and sport at the centre of school life.
The Rev. E. Evers said prayers and declared the school open. By 1880 the numbers had expanded to 111 children. The old school continued to flourish and the old school served the community of Preston well, with numbers peaking at 194 in 1966, until 1974 when the present building was opened. In recent years it has been necessary to expand and alter this new building.
Find out about the people who oversee the general vision and management of our school. They give their time to ensure that school policies and long term vision are followed carefully to ensure that your child has the best experience that can be whilst they are with us. The governing body has a range of duties and powers and a general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement.
FOPPS (Friends of Preston Primary School) is run by parents to raise additional funds and provide community functions. They organise a number of fund raising events throughout the year. Keep an eye out for their next event. We hope that our new Friends of the School will enjoy continuing to fundraise for the school.
We feel that children need to have 'ownership' of their school and should, therefore, be given the opportunity to have a say in the day to day running of school matters. With this is mind we set up the School's Council. Children are elected by their peers to represent them on the school's council. Our School Council is made up of two nominated children from each class from years 2 to 6 and is supported by an adult.
As part of our E-Safety week, Spin Off Productions joined us in school to deliver 'Click Clever', their latest production about staying safe online. During the Autumn term our Year 2 children developed a short program using scratch Jr. The aim was to use the background editor to create a space themed background, then the sprite editor to create a rocket.
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